These are lists of achievement such as papers etc. from 1995 to 2021.
(Takashi Nakajima is written as T.Y.Nakajima in international paper.)

== Updated Mar. 1 , 2023 ==

Books … English or Japanese language.

(Jon)外岡秀行,沖 一雄,小林秀樹,田殿武雄,中島 孝,堀 雅裕,松永恒雄,山野博哉,山之口勤,山本浩万(以上編集委員),著者多数.2022,リモートセンシング辞典,丸善

(Jpn)岡本幸三, 別所康太郎, 吉崎徳人, 村田英彦, and ほか36名(中島孝は6章担当), 2018: 静止気象衛星 ひまわり8号・9号とその利用. 気象研究ノート, 238..

(Jpn) 角田博明、他(20名) (2018). 航空宇宙学への招待, 東海大学出版部.

(Jpn) 中島孝(著)、中村健治(著), 2016:大気と雨の衛星観測(気象学の新潮流)、朝倉書店

(Eng) Tateishi, R., et al., 2014: Remote Sensing: An Introductory Textbook.  Maruzen Planet.

(Jpn)日本写真測量学会(中島孝は一部分担), 2012: 空間情報による災害の記録: 伊勢湾台風から東日本大震災まで.  鹿島出版会.

(Jpn) 建石隆太郎他(共著), on store in May 2011: 「基礎から学ぶリモートセンシング」.  理工図書株式会.

(Jpn) 中島映至、早坂忠裕、河村公隆、近藤豊、竹川暢之、宮崎雄三、小池真、駒崎雄一、鶴田治雄、矢吹正教、畠山史郎、青木一真、岡本創、杉本伸夫、中島孝、鈴 木健太郎、鵜野伊津志、竹村俊彦, 2008: エアロゾルの気候と大気環境への影響., 気象研究ノート Vol. 218, 日本気象学会.

(Eng) Nakajima,T.Y., T.Nakajima,T.Aoki,A.Higurashi,A.Tanaka,M.Verstraete, and Y.Hashibe, 2004: GSS Reference Handbook (Rstar Reference Handbook), EORC Bulletin, No. 15, EORC JAXA, ISSN 1346-7913.

Refereed Publications

<Under reviewed>
Matsumoto et al, 2023, SOLA, accepted.

<Published or in press>


Wang, M., T. Y. Nakajima, W. Roh, M. Satoh, K. Suzuki, T. Kubota, and M. Yoshida, 2023: Evaluation of the spectral misalignment on the Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer/multi-spectral imager cloud product. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 603-623.


Li, M., H. Letu, H. Ishimoto, S. Li, L. Liu, T. Y. Nakajima, D. Ji, H. Shang and C. Shi, 2022: Retrieval of Terahertz Ice Cloud Properties from airborne measurements based on the irregularly shaped Voronoi ice scattering models. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 16, 331-353.

Ri, X., H. Letu, T. Y. Nakajima, G. Tana, C. Shi, J. Zhao, J. Xu and J. Shi , 2022: Cloud, Atmospheric Radiation and Renewal Energy Application (CARE) Cloud Top Property Product from Himawari-8/AHI: Algorithm Development and Preliminary Validation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), 60, 1-11.

Li, M., H. Letu, Y. Peng, H. Ishimoto, Y. Lin, T. Y. Nakajima, A. Baran, Y. Lei and J. Shi, 2022: Investigation of ice cloud modeling capabilities for the irregularly shaped Voronoi ice scattering models in climate simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 4809–4825.

Khatri, P., T. Hayasaka, H. Irie, H. Letu, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Ishimoto, and T. Takamura, 2022: Quality assessment of Second-generation Global Imager (SGLI)-observed cloud properties using SKYNET surface observation data. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT), 1967–1982.

Letu, H., T. Y. Nakajima, T. Wang, H. Shang, R. Ma, K. Yang, A. J. Baran, J. Riedi, H. Ishimoto, M. Yoshida, C. Shi, P. Khatri, Y. Du, L. Chen and J. Shi, 2021: A new benchmark for surface radiation products over the East Asia-Pacific region retrieved from the Himawari-8/AHI next-generation geostationary satellite. BAMS., accepted. (


渡邉郁弥, 川口貴弘, 石崎孝幸, 竹中栄晶, 中島孝, and 井村順一, 2020: ニューラルネットワークを用いた電力市場における前日計画法-再生可能エネルギーの不確かさのもとでの取引戦略-. 計測自動制御学会論文集, 56, 57-66.

Letu, H., and Coauthors, 2020: High-resolution retrieval of cloud microphysical properties and surface solar radiation using Himawari-8/AHI next-generation geostationary satellite. Remote Sensing Environment, 239, 111583.


Takamatsu, T., K. Yaginuma, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2019: Asynchrony Estimation of Solar Irradiance by Quantification of Joint Recurrence Plot. 2019 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), 692-695.

Watanabe, F., T. Kawaguchi, T. Ishizaki, H. Takenaka, T. Y. Nakajima, and J.-i. Imura, 2019: Day-ahead Strategic Marketing of Energy Prosumption: A Machine Learning Approach Based on Neural Networks. European Control Conference 2019.

渡邉郁弥, 川口貴弘, 石崎孝幸, 竹中栄晶, 中島孝, and 井村順一, 2019: 電力市場のための機械学習に基づく前日スケジューリング. 計測自動制御学会論文集, 55, 593-601.

Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2019: Theoretical basis of the algorithms and early phase results of the GCOM-C (Shikisai) SGLI cloud products. Prog Earth Planet Sci 6:52.

Shang, H., and Coauthors, 2019: An improved algorithm of cloud droplet size distribution from POLDER polarized measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment, 228, 61-74.

菊池麻紀, and Coauthors, 2019: 雲エアロゾル放射ミッション「EarthCARE」- 雲・エアロゾルとその放射影響の統合的観測 -. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 38, 181-196.


Nakajima, T. Y., H. Takenaka, T. M. Nagao, and H. Letu, 2018: Synergistic use of the next generation geostationary and polar orbit satellites for investigating aerosols, clouds, and radiation. SPIE, APRS, Proc. SPIE. 10776, Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Clouds, and Precipitation VII, 1077607-1077603.

Watanabe, F., T. Kawaguchi, T. Ishizaki, H. Takenaka, T. Y. Nakajima, and J.-i. Imura, 2018: Machine learning approach to day-ahead scheduling for multiperiod energy markets under renewable energy generation uncertainty. Proceeding of the 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

Takamatsu, T., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2018: Study of spatial asynchrony analysis for solar irradiance. ICRERA2018, Paris.

Khatri, P., T. Hayasaka, H. Iwabuchi, T. Takamura, H. Irie, T. Y. Nakajima, and H. Takenaka, 2018: Validation of MODIS and AHI based water cloud properties using surface based radiation data. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan., 96B, 151-172.

Letu, H., and Coauthors, 2018: Ice cloud properties from Himawari-8/AHI next-generation geostationary satellite: Capability of the AHI to monitor the DC cloud generation process. IEEE TGRS, 57, 3229 – 3239.

Ohtake, H., F. Uno, T. Oozeki, Y. Yamada, H. Takenaka, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2018: Estimation of satellite-derived regional photovoltaic power generation using a satellite-estimated solar radiation data. Energy Science & Engineering, 6, 570-583.

Ohtake, H., F. Uno, T. Oozeki, Y. Yamada, H. Takenaka, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2018: Outlier events of solar forecasts for the regional power grid in Japan using JMA’s mesoscale model. Energies, 11, 2714. doi:2710.3390/en11102714.

Oishi, Y., H. Ishida, T. Y. Nakajima, R. Nakamura, and T. Matsunaga, 2018: Preliminary verification for application of a support vector machine-based cloud detection method to GOSAT-2 CAI-2. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11, 2863-2878.

Damiani, A., H. Irie, T. Horio, T. Takamura, P. Khatri, H. Takenaka, T. Nagao, T. Y. Nakajima and R. R. Cordero (2018). “Evaluation of Himawari-8 surface downwelling solar radiation by SKYNET observations.” Atmospheric Measurement Techniques., 11, 2501-2521.

Khatri, P., T. Hayasaka, H. Iwabuchi, T. Takamura, H. Irie, T. Y. Nakajima, and H. Takenaka, 2018: Validation of MODIS and AHI based water cloud properties using surface based radiation data. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan., accepted

Ishida, H., Y. Oishi, K. Morita, K. Moriwaki, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2018: Development of a support vector machine based cloud detection method for MODIS with the adjustability to various conditions. Remote Sensing of Environment, 205, 390-407.

Shan, H., H. Letu, T. Y. Nakajima, Z. Wang, R. Ma, T. Wang, Y. Le, D. Ji, S. Li and J. Shi, 2018: Diurnal cycle and seasonal variation of cloud cover over the Tibetan Plateau as determined from Himawari-8 new-generation geostationary satellite data. Scientific Reports, 8. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-19431-w


 Oishi, Y., H. Ishida, T. Y. Nakajima, R. Nakamura, and T. Matsunaga, 2017: The impact of different support vectors on GOSAT-2 CAI-2 L2 cloud discrimination. Remote Sensing, 9. doi:10.3390/rs9121236

Hori, M., H. Murakami, R. Miyazaki, Y. Honda, K. Nasahara, K. Kajiwara, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Irie, M. Toratani, T. Hirawake and T. Aoki, 2017: GCOM-C data validation plan for land, atmosphere, ocean, and cryosphere. 31th ISTS.

入江仁士, 堀尾享司, ダ. アレサンドロ, 中. 孝, 竹中栄晶, 菊池麻紀, カ. プラディープ and 弓本桂也, 2017: ひまわり8号エアロゾルプロダクトのエネルギーマネージメントシステムにおける重要性. エアロゾル研究, 32, 95-100.

Velazco, V. A., I. Morino, O. Uchino, N. M. Deutscher, B. Bukosa, D. A. Belikov, Y. Oishi, T. Y. Nakajima, R. C. Macatangay, T. Nakatsuru, S. Maksyutov, F. M. Schwandner and D. W. T. Griffith, 2017: Total Carbon Column Observing Network Philippines: Toward Quantifying Atmospheric Carbon in Southeast Asia. Climate Disaster and Development Journal, 2.

Okata, M., T. Nakajima, K. Suzuki, T. Inoue, T. Y. Nakajima, and H. Okamoto, 2017: A study on radiative transfer effects in 3D cloudy atmosphere using satellite data. J. Geophys. Res., 122, 443-468.


Watanabe, T., Y. Oishi, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2016: Characterization of surface solar-irradiance variability using cloud properties based on satellite observations, Solar Energy, 140, 83-92.

Letu, H., H. Ishimoto, J. Riedi, T. Y. Nakajima, L. C-Labonnote, A. J. Baran, T. Nagao, M. and M. Sekiguchi  2016: Investigation of ice particle habits to be used for ice cloud remote sensing for the GCOM-C satellite mission. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics., 16, 12287-12303.

Watanabe, T., T. Takamatsu, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2016: Evaluation of variation in surface solar irradiance and clustering of observation stations in Japan. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.,55, 2165-2180.

Kawano, S., Y. Fujimoto, S. Wakao, Y. Hayashi, H. Takenaka, H. Irie, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2015: Voltage Control Method Utilizing Solar Radiation Data in Highly Efficient Spatial Resolution for Service Restoration in Distribution Networks with PV, Journal of Energy Engineering.,10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000352, F4016003.

Oishi, Y., T. Y. Nakajima, and T. Matsunaga, 2016: Difference between forward- and backward-looking bands of GOSAT-2 CAI-2 cloud discrimination using Terra MISR data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37, 1115-1126.

Koike, M., N. Asano, H. Nakamura, S. Sakai, T. M. Nagao, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2016: Modulations of aerosol impacts on cloud microphysics induced by the warm Kuroshio Curren under the East Asian winter monsoon. J. Geophys. Res., Atmosphere, 121, doi: 10.1002/2016JD025375.


大石優, 永尾隆, 石田春磨, 中島孝, and 松永恒雄 , 2015: 雲混入GOSAT-2 FTS-2データ除去のためのCAI-2雲識別の利用法に関する検討, JRSSJ, 35, 299-306.

Illingworth, A., H. Barker, A. Beljaars, M. Ceccaldi, H. Chepfer, J. Delanoe, C. Domenech, D. Donovan, S. Fukuda, M. Hirakata, R. Hogan, A. Huenerbein, P. Kollias, T. Kubota, T. Nakajima, T. Y. Nakajima, T. Nishizawa, Y. Ohno, H. Okamoto, R. Oki, K. Sato, M. Satoh, U. Wandinger and T. Wehr, 2015: THE EARTHCARE SATELLITE:  THE NEXT STEP FORWARD IN GLOBAL MEASUREMENTS OF CLOUDS, AEROSOLS, PRECIPITATION  AND RADIATION. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.,96, 1311-1332.


Letu, H., T. M. Nagao, T. Y. Nakajima, and Y. Matsumae, 2014: Method for validating cloud mask obtained from satellite measurements using ground-based sky camera. Applied Optics, 53, 7523-7533.

Ishida, H., K. Miura, T. Matsuda, K. Ogawara, A. Goto, K. Matsuura, Y. Sato, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2014: Investigation of low cloud characteristics for improved fog detection by satellite remote sensing. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53, 2246-2263

Nakajima, T. Y., T. M. Nagao, H. Letu, and H. Okamoto, 2014: Synergistic use of spaceborne active sensors and passive multispectral imagers for investigating cloud evolution processes. Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan, 12, Tn_19-Tn_24, 2014.

Nagao, T. M., T. Y. Nakajima, H. Letu, and H. Okamoto, 2014: Cloud microphysical properties as seen from spaceborne passive multi-spectral imagers: interpretation in terms of vertical and horizontal inhomogeneity by using modeling and other spaceborne instruments. Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan, 12, Tn_1-Tn_6, 2014.

Letu, H., T. Nakajima, and F. Nishio, 2014: Estimation of electric power and power plant CO2 emissions using DMSP/OLS nighttime satellite data. Environmental Science & Technology Letters., 1, 259-265.

中島孝, 竹中栄晶, 石田春磨, 永尾隆, 胡斯勒図, and 渡邊武志, 2014: 可視赤外イメージャーから観る雲、放射、エアロゾル間接効果. 低温科学, 72, 169-175.

Ishida, H., and Coauthors, 2014: Scheme for detection of low clouds from geostationary weather satellite imagery. Atmospheric Research, 143, 250–264.


Nagao, T. M., K. Suzuki, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2012: Interpretation of multiwavelength-retrieved droplet effective radii for warm water clouds in terms of in-cloud vertical inhomogeneity by using spectral bin microphysics cloud model. J. Atmos. Sci., in press.

Nakajima, T., H. Takenaka, D. Goto, S. Misawa, J. Uchida, and T.Y.Nakajima, 2013: Measurements and Modeling of the Solar Radiation Budget. Journal of the Japan Society for Simulation Technology, 199-207.

Dim, J., T. Nakajima, and T. Takamura, 2013: Performance of the gcom-c/sgli satellite prelaunch phase cloud properties’ algorithm. J. Appl. Remote Sens., 0001;7(1), 073693-073693.

Nagao, T. M., K. Suzuki, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2013: Interpretation of multiwavelength-retrieved droplet effective radii for warm water clouds in terms of in-cloud vertical inhomogeneity by using spectral bin microphysics cloud model. J. Atmos. Sci., 70, 2376–2392.

Dim, J., T. Takamura, A. Higurashi, P. Kathri, N. Kikuchi, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2013: Validation of two MODIS Aerosols algorithms with SKYNET and Prospects for Future Satellites such as the GCOM-C/SGLI. Advances in Meteorology


中島孝, 2012: 地球観測衛星データを用いた雲物理量・雲特性の導出の手法とアルゴリズムの開発 ー2011年度堀内賞受賞記念講演ー. 天気.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. M. Magao, H. Letu, H. Ishida, and K. Suzuki, 2012: On the cloud observations in JAXA’s next coming satellite mission, SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Clouds, and Precipitation IV, Tadahiro Hayasaka; Kenji Nakamura; Eastwood Im, Editors, 852316.

Letu, H., T. Y. Nakajima, and T. M. Nagao, 2012: New cloud science derived from GCOM-C satellite mission, SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Clouds, and Precipitation IV, Tadahiro Hayasaka; Kenji Nakamura; Eastwood Im, Editors, 85230N.

Koike, M., and Coauthors, 2012: Measurements of Regional-Scale Aerosol Impacts on Cloud Microphysics over the East China Sea: Possible Influences of Warm Sea Surface Temperature over the Kuroshio Ocean Current. J. Geophys. Res, doi:10.1029/2011JD017324.

Letu, H., T. Y. Nakajima, and T. N. Matsui, 2012: Development of the ice crystal scattering database for the GCOM-C/SGLI satellite mission: investigating the refractive index grid system and potential retrieval error, Applied Optics, 51, 6172-6178. 

Sato Y., T. Y. Nakajima, and T. Nakajima, 2011: Investigation of the vertical structure of warm cloud microphysical properties using the cloud evolution diagram, CFODD, simulated by three-dimensional spectral bin microphysical model.Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences,69, 2012-2030.

Dim, J. R., T. Y. Nakajima, T. Takamura, and N. Kikuchi, 2012: Comparison between Satellite Water Vapour Observations and Atmospheric Models’ Predictions of the Upper Tropospheric Thermal Radiation. Advances in Meteorology, 2011, doi:10.1155/2011/872857.


Suzuki, K., G. L. Stephens, S. C. van den Heever, T. Y. Nakajima, 2011: Evaluation of the warm rain formation process in cloud-resolving models using joint CloudSat and MODIS observatoins, J. Atmos. Sci.,68, 2655-2670.

Taylor, T. E., and Coauthors, 2011: Comparison of cloud screening methods applied to GOSAT near-infrared spectra. IEEE TRANS. GEOSCI. REM. SENS.,50, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2011.2160270.

Eguchi, K., and I. Uno, K. Yumimoto, T. Takemura, T.Y. Nakajima, M. Uematsui, and Z. Liu, 2011: Modulation of cloud droplets and radiation over the North Pacific by sulfate aerosol erupted from Mount Kilauea, SOLA., 7, 77-80.

Ishida, H., T. Y. Nakajima, T. Yokota, N. Kikuchi, and H. Watanabe, 2011:Investigation of GOSAT TANSO-CAI cloud screening ability through an inter-satellite comparison., J. Appl. Meteor. and Climat.50, 1571-1586. 

Dim, J., H. Murakami, T. Y. Nakajima, B. Nordell, A. Heidinger, and T. Takamura, 2011: The Recent State of the Climate: Driving Components of Cloud Type Variability., J. Geophys. Res.,116, D11117, doi:10.1029/2010JD014559.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Tsuchiya, H. Ishida, T. N. Matsui, and H. Shimoda, 2011: Cloud detection performance of spaceborne visible-to-infrared multispectral imager. Applied Optics,50, 2601-2616

Takenaka, H., T. Y. Nakajima, A. Higurashi, A. Higuchi, T. Takamura, and R. Pinker, 2011: Estimation of Solar Radiation by Neural Network based on Radiative Transfer., J. Geophys. Res.,116, D08215, doi:10.1029/2009JD013337.


Masunaga, H., and Coauthors, 2010: Satellite data simulator unit (SDSU) : A multi-sensor, multi-spectral satellite simulator package. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,91, 1625-1632. doi:10.1175/2010BAMS2809.1

Suzuki, K., T. Y. Nakajima, and G. L. Stephens, 2010: Particle growth and drop collection efficiency of warm clouds as inferred from joint CloudSat and MODIS observations. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67, 3019-3032.

Suzuki, K., T. Nakajima, T. Y. Nakajima, and G. L. Stepehns, 2010: Effect of droplet activation process on microphysical properties of warm clouds. Environmental Research Letters,5, 024012.

Nakajima, T.Y., K. Suzuki, and G. L. Stephens, 2010: Droplet growth in warm water clouds observed by the A-Train. Part I: Sensitivity analysis of the MODIS-derived cloud droplet size., J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 1884-1896.

Nakajima, T.Y., K. Suzuki, and G. L. Stephens, 2010: Droplet growth in warm water clouds observed by the A-Train. Part II: A Multi-sensor view., J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 1897-1907.

Toriumi, M., and Coauthors, 2010: Estimation of aerosol optical thickness by PAR radiometer. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan., 30, 81-89.

Suzuki, K., T. Nakajima, T. Y. Nakajima, and A. P. Khain, 2010:A Study of Microphysical Mechanisms for Correlation Patterns between Droplet Radius and Optical Thickness of Warm Clouds with a Spectral Bin Microphysics Cloud Model. J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 1126-1141.

Katagiri, S., and Coauthors, 2010: Cirrus Cloud Radiative Forcing derived by Synergy use of MODIS analyses and Ground-based Observations. SOLA, 6, 25-28.

Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2010: Cloud sciences using satellite remote sensing, cloud growth model, and radiative transfer. SPIE, Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium, Remote sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds III, , Incheon. (invited paper)

Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2010: Observations of cloud and aerosol from GCOM-C SGLI. ISPRS, Commission VIII, JAXA special session, Kyoto.

Ishida, H., T. Y. Nakajima, T. Yokota, N. Kikuchi, and H. Watanabe, 2010: Development and validation of cloud screening algorithm for GOSAT/CAI. ISPRS, Commission VIII, WG VIII/3, Kyoto.


Takenaka, H., T. Y. Nakajima, I. Okada, J. R. Dim, and T. Takamura, 2009: Cloud optical thickness estimation from GMS-5/SVISSR. Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 29, 392-397.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Nakajima, K. Yoshimori, S. K. Mishra, and S. N. Tripathi, 2009: Development of a light scattering solver applicable to particles of arbitrary shape on the basis of the surface integral equations method of Muller-type (SIEM/M): Part I. Methodology, accuracy of calculation, and electromagnetic current on the particle surface., Applied Optics, 48, 3526-3536.

Ishida, H., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2009: Development of an unbiased cloud detection algorithm for a spaceborne multispectral imager. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, doi:10.1029/2008JD010710.

Takamura, T., and Coauthors, 2009:Aerosol and cloud valication system based on SKYNET observations: estimation of shortwave radiation budget using ADEOS-II/GLI data. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 29, 40-53.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Masunaga, T. Nakajima, 2009: Near-global scale retrievals of the cloud optical and microphysical properties from the Midori-II GLI and AMSR data. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 29, 29-39.

Nakajima, T., and Coauthors, 2009: Overview and science hilights of the ADEOS-II/GLI project. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 29, 11-28.


Suzuki, K., T. Nakajima, M. Satoh, H. Tomita, T. Takemura, T. Y. Nakajima, and G. L. Stephens, 2008: Global cloud-system-resolving simulation of aerosol effect on warm cluods. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, doi:10.1029/2008GL035449.

Nakajima, T., T. Y. Nakajima, A. Higurashi, I. Sano, T. Takamura, H. Ishida, and N. Schutgens, 2008: A study of aerosol and cloud information retrievals from CAI imager on board GOSAT satellite. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 28, 178-189.

Nakajima, T. Y., K. Suzuki, and T. Nakajima, 2008: Cloud growth process appeared in the global scale distribution of the cloud optical and microphysical properties retrieved from the satellite remote sensing. SPIE, Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium, Remote sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds II, edited by Graeme L. Stephens, Takashi Y. Nakajima, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7152 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2008), Noumea, New Caledonia.


Nakajima, T. Y., R. Oki, 2007: Satellite measurements from VIS-IR imagers and Microwave sensors in the weather and climate studies. Tenki, 54, 701-704.

Dim, J. R., T. Takamura, I. Okada, T. Y. Nakajima, and H. Takenaka, 2007: Influence of inhomogeneous cloud fields on optical properties retrieved from satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 112, Doi 10.1029/2006jd007891.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Ishida, T. Nakajima, and H. Shimoda, 2007: Cloud Observations from the future Japanese satellite missions. SPIE, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XI,  edited by Roland Meynart, Steven P. Neeck, Haruhisa Shimoda, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6744 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2007), 67440N.


Suzuki, K, T. Nakajima, T.Y.Nakajima, and A. Khain, 2006: Correlation Pattern between Effective Radius and Optical Thickness of Water Clouds Simulated by a Spectral Bin Microphysics Cloud Model, SOLA, Vol. 2, 116-119, doi:10.2151/sola.2006-030

Nakajima T.Y., 2006: Practical use of the WWW-based radiative transfer simulator on the lecture of a graduate school, Tenki, 53, 727-731.

Frouin,R., P-Y. Deschamps, L. Gross-colzy, H. Murakami, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2006: Retrieval of Chlorophyll-a Concentration via Linear Combination of ADEOS-II Global Imager Data, J. Oceanography, 62, 331-337.

Kikuchi, N., T. Nakajima, H. Kumagai, H. Kuroiwa, A. Kamei, R. Nakamura,and T. Y. Nakajima, 2006: Cloud optical thickness and effective particle radius derived from transmitted solar radiation measurements: Comparison with cloud radar observations, J. Geophys. Res.111, D07205, doi:10.1029/2005JD006363.

Nakajima,T.Y., T. Nakajima, A.Higurashi, N. Kikuchi, and M. Kuji, 2006: Atmospheric Environment Observed by GLI aboard ADEOS-II,Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 26,33-36.

Nakajima, T.Y., K. Suzuki, and T.Nakajima, 2006: Cloud microphysical properties retrieved from MODIS sub-sampling radiance dataset over the extended GAME region,SPIE, Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium, Remote sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds (GOA, India),6408-15


Nakajima, T.Y., Akihiro Uchiyama, Tamio Takamura, Naoya Tsujioka, Toshihiko Takemura, and Teruyuki Nakajima, 2005: Comparisons of warm cloud properties obtained from satellite, ground, and aircraft measurements during APEX intensive observation period in 2000 and 2001, J. Met. Soc. Japan, 83, 1085-1095.

Nauss, T. A.A.Kokhanovsky, T.Y.Nakajima, C. Reudenbach, J. Bendix, 2005: The intercomparison of selected cloud retrieval algorithms, Atmospheric Research, 78, 46-78.

Takemura,T., T.Nozawa, S.Emori,T.Y.Nakajima,T.Nakajima, 2005, Simulation of climate response to aerosol direct and indirect effects with aerosol transport-radiation model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, D02202, doi:10.1029/2004JD005029.  (IPCC第4次レポートで採用された論文)

Nakajima, T.Y., A. Sumi, K. Imaoka, and N. Kikuchi, 2005: On the sciences obtained from ADEOS-II mission, SPIE, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XI,5978, 597802.

Dim,J.R., T.Takamura, I. Okada, and T.Y.Nakajima, 2005: Three-dimensional radiative effects on cloud variability and structual inhomogeneity as observed by satellites, SPIE, Satellite Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere X


Harshvardhan, G. Guo, R. N. Green, Z. Qu, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2004: Remotely sensed microphysical and thermodynamic properties of nonuniform water cloud fields. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 61, 2574-2587.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Nakajima, and S. Katagiri, 2004: Cloud properties observed by global imager (GLI). SPIE, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites VIII, edited by Roland Meynart, Steven P. Neeck, Haruhisa Shimoda, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5570 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2004), pp. 22-32.

Nakajima, T. Y., T.Nakajima, H. Murakami, R. Hoeller, and T. Iguchi, 2004: New results from ADEOS-II/GLI. SPIE, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites VII, edited by Roland Meynart, Steven P. Neeck, Haruhisa Shimoda, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5234 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2004) pp. 517-524.


Nakajima, T., and Coauthors, 2003: Significance of direct and indirect radiative forcings of aerosols in the East China Sea region. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 108, Doi 10.1029/2002jd003261.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Murakami, M. Hori, T. Nakajima, T. Aoki, T. Oishi, and A. Tanaka, 2003: Efficient use of an improved radiative transfer code to simulate near-global distributions of satellite-measured radiances. Applied Optics, 42, 3460-3471.

Igarashi, T., A. Shibata, M. Sasaki, T. Hashimoto, K. Imaoka, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Murakami, M. Hori, H. Yamamoto, and M. Nakayama, 2003: Status of level-2 products of ADEOS-II validation plan. SPIE, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellite VII, edited by Roland Meynart, Steven P. Neeck, Haruhisa Shimoda, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5234 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2004) pp. 64-75.


Masunaga, H., T. Y. Nakajima, T. Nakajima, M. Kachi, and K. Suzuki, 2002: Physical properties of maritime low clouds as retrieved by combined use of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager and Visible/Infrared Scanner – 2. Climatology of warm clouds and rain. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 107, Doi 10.1029/2001jd001269.

Masunaga, H., T. Y. Nakajima, T. Nakajima, M. Kachi, R. Oki, and S. Kuroda, 2002: Physical properties of maritime low clouds as retrieved by combined use of Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission Microwave Imager and Visible/Infrared Scanner: Algorithm. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 107, Doi 10.1029/2001jd000743.


Kawamoto, K., T. Nakajima, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2001: A global determination of cloud microphysics with AVHRR remote sensing. Journal of Climate, 14, 2054-2068.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2001: Development of a comprehensive analysis system for satellite measurement of the cloud microphysical properties, Ph. D. Thesis, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo, The University of Tokyo.(博士論文)


Nakajima, T. Y., T.Nakajima.Y.Mano,K.Yoshimori, 2000: Light scattering solver for non-spherical particle based on the combined integral equation method. IRS, Current problems in atmospheric radiation, eds. W. L. Smith and Y. M. Timofeyev, A. Deepak Publishing, 221-224.


Nakajima, T. Y., T. Imai, O. Uchino, and T. Nagai, 1999: Influence of daylight and noise current on cloud and aerosol observations by spaceborne elastic scattering lidar. Applied Optics, 38, 5218-5228.

Nakajima, T., T.Y.Nakajima.M.Nakajima, 1999: Development of ADEOS-II/GLI operational algorithm for earth observation. SPIE, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellite III,  edited by Hiroyuki Fujisada, Joan B. Lurie, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3870 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 1999) pp. 314-322.


Kokhanovsky, A. A., and T. Y. Nakajima, 1998: The dependence of phase functions of large transparent particles on their refractive index and shape. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 31, 1329-1335.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Nakajima, M. Nakajima, H. Fukushima, M. Kuji, A. Uchiyama, and M. Kishino, 1998: Optimization of the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite II Global Imager channels by use of radiative transfer calculations. Applied Optics, 37, 3149-3163.


Nakajima, T. Y., T.Nakajima.A.Kokhanovsky, 1997: Radiative transfer through light-scattering media with nonspherical large particles: direct and inverse problems. SPIE, Satellite Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere II,  edited by Joanna D. Haigh, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3220 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 1997) pp. 2-12.

Nakajima, T., Y.Awaya,M.Kishino.T.Oisih,G.Saitou,A.Uchiyama,T.Y.Nakajima,M.Nakajima.T.Uesugi, 1997: The current status of the ADEOS-II/GLI mission. SPIE. Advanced and Next-Generation Satellite II, edited by Hiroyuki Fujisada, Guido Calamai, Martin N. Sweeting, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 2957 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 1997) pp. 183-190.


Nakajima, T. Y., T.Nakajima,M.Nakajima, 1996: Possibility of cloud and aerosol observtions by spaceborne Mie lidar. IRS, Current problems in atmospheric radiation, eds. W. L. Smith and K. Stamnes, A. Deepak Publishing, , 691-694.


Nakajima, T. Y., and T. Nakajima, 1995: Wide-area determination of cloud microphysical properties from NOAA AVHRR measurements for FIRE and ASTEX regions. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 52, 4043-4059.

Conferences (Abstract&Talk) …Eng or Jpn lang.


Development of the EarthCARE cloud retrieval algorithms using recent scientific knowledges of the cloud droplet growth process. Joint Workshop of JAXA, J. EORC, Ed.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Letu, H. Okamoto, K. Suzuki, T. M. Nagao, N. Shin, Y. Matsumoto and K. Shimizu 2022: Global observations of cloud from the GCOM-C SGLI for improving cloud sciences and contributing climate change studies, -Algorithms and validation-. Joint Workshop of JAXA.

清水完太, 松本由布, 王敏睿, 永井信 and 中島孝 (2022). 地上設置雲カメラ画像の分析による衛星雲量の検証. 第50回画像電子学会年次大会. 画像電子学会年次大会. ゆめホール知床.

Khatri, P., T. Hayasaka, H. Iwabuchi, H. Irie, H. Ishimoto, H. Letu, T. Y. Nakajima, A. Yamazaki, T. Takamura, A. Damiani and Q. Kai , 2022: Cloud remote sensing from surface using spectral zenith radiances: Method, satellite product validation. AGU Fall Meeting, AGU.

Matsumoto, Y., M. Wang, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2022: Long-term global analysis of cloud properties using ploar orbit satellite (Aqua and CloudSat). IGARSS 2022.

松本由布, 王敏睿, and 中島孝, 2022: 極軌道衛星を用いた雲特性の長期全球解析(その2:解析結果). 日本気象学会秋季大会, 日本気象学会.

永尾隆, 鈴木健太郎, 関口美保, and 中島孝, 2022: GCOM-C/SGLIの多波長観測を横断的に活用した雲の微物理構造と放射影響の解析. 日本気象学会秋季大会.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. M. Nagao, M. Hori, R. Higuchi, H. Ishida, H. Letu, K. Shimizu and T. Eto and Coauthors, 2022: Validation of remotely-sensed cloud flag and cloud properties obtained from the GCOM-C (Shikisai) satellite SGLI sensor. IRS 2022.

Wang, M., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2022: Quantitative Evaluation of Smile Effect on the EarthCARE/MSI Cloud Product. JpGU Annual Meeting, JpGU, Ed.

Khatri, P., T. Hayasaka, H. Irie, H. Letu, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Ishimoto, and T. Takamura, 2022: Evaluation of SGLI cloud products using SKYNET surface observation data. JpGU Annual Meeting, JpGU, Ed.

中島孝, and 山本義郎, 2022: 衛星大気観測と再生可能エネルギー~JST/CREST研究活動報告を兼ねて~. 2019-2021年度TRIC研究・開発報告会, 東海大学情報技術センター.

Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2022: Maintain of the SGLI cloud retrieval algorithms and collection of validation data: activities in FY2021. JAXA Joint PI Workshop in FY2021, JAXA.

Nakajima, T. Y., M. Wang, and Y. Matsumoto, 2022: Progress of the EarthCARE MSI cloud algorithm development JAXA Joint PI Workshop in FY2021, JAXA.


王敏睿, and 中島孝, 2021: EarthCARE/MSI雲プロダクトにおけるSmile effecの定量的評価. 日本気象学会秋季大会, 日本気象学会.

松本由布, 王敏睿, and 中島孝, 2021: 極軌道衛星を用いた雲特性の長期全球解析(その1:研究計画). 日本気象学会秋季大会.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. M. Nagao, N. Shin, K. Shimizu, and T. Eto, 2021: Discrimination of the cloud cover from ground-based sky images. 6th International SKYNET Workshop 2021.

Ma, R., H. Letu, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2021: Retrieval of Surface Solar Radiation from Himawari-8 measurements. 6th International SKYNET Workshop 2021.

島田宗一郎, 中島孝, and 竹下秀, 2021: 神奈川県平塚市におけるサンフォトメータによる大気混濁度の測定と評価. 第38回エアロゾル科学・技術検討会, エアロゾル学会

樋口篤志, 本多嘉明, 中島孝, 石坂丞二, 弓本桂也, 堀之内武, 中島正勝, 木村俊義, 太田和敬, 橋本真喜子, 棚田和玖 and 村上浩, and Coauthors, 2021: 次期ひまわり搭載イメージャーに関する検討(その2). 日本気象学会春季大会.

中島孝, 王敏睿, 石田春磨, and フスリート, 2021: JAXAにおける衛星雲特性観測の現在,将来. 東京理科大学 研究推進機構 総合研究院 大気科学研究部門 第5回 成果報告会.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2021: Maintain of the SGLI cloud retrieval algorithms and collection of validation data. Joint Workshop in JAXA 2020.


Matsunaga, T., I. Morino, Y. Yoshida, M. Saito, H. Noda, H. Ohyama, Y. Niwa, H. Yashiro, R. Hirata, A. Kamei, F. Kawazoe, T. Saeki, R. Imasu, N. Saitoh, T. Nakajima, T. Y. Nakajima, M. Hashimoto and A. Kuze, 2020: Recent Global Distributions of Greenhouse Gases, Carbon Monoxide, and Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence as Seen from GOSAT-2. AGU Fall Meeting, AGU.

松永恒雄, 森野勇, 吉田幸生, 齊藤誠, 野田響, 大山博史, 丹羽洋介, 八代尚, 平田竜一, 亀井秋秀, 河添史絵, 佐伯田鶴, 中島孝, 今須良一 and 久世暁彦 2020: GOSAT-2 FTS-2 SWIRレベル2標準プロダクトによる2019~2020年の二酸化炭素、メタン、一酸化炭素の全球分布. 日本リモートセンシング学会, 日本リモートセンシング学会.

Nakajima, T. Y., M. Wang, and N. Takashi M, 2020: Progress of the EarthCARE MSI cloud algorithm development Joint Workshop in JAXA, 2020.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2020: The Earth Sciences using Himawari data performed in JST, CREST project. WISMDR-T 2020, NICT.

Li, M., H. Letu, Y. Peng, H. Ishimoto, Y. Lin, T. Y. Nakajima, A. Baran and J. Shi , 2020: Parameterization of an irregular-shaped ice particle model in climate simulations with community atmospheric model version5. Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2020 (ACRS), Asian Association on Remote Sensing.

王敏睿, and 中島孝, 2020: EarthCARE/MSI雲プロダクトにおける Smile effect の影響. 日本気象学会秋季大会, 日本気象学会.

樋口篤志, 本多嘉明, 中島孝, 石坂丞二, 弓本桂也, 冨田浩, 別所康太郎, 安藤昭芳, 磯野賀瑞夫, 中島正勝, 木村俊義, 太田和敬, 金子有紀 and 棚田和玖, and Coauthors, 2020: 次期ひまわり搭載イメージャーに関する検討. 日本気象学会秋季大会, 日本気象学会, Ed.

中島孝, 石田春磨, 永尾隆, and 大方めぐみ, 2020: 衛星から観測された雲識別・雲特性の検証 エアロゾル・雲・降水の相互作用に関する研究会.


 中島孝, 2019: 人工衛星を用いた大気観測. 日本地震予知学会.

Matsunaga, T., and Coauthors, 2019: Early Results of GOSAT-2 Level 2 Products. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, AGU.

Ishihara, Y., Y. Oishi, H. Ishida, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2019: Initial check of the cloud discrimination products by CAI-2 onboard GOSAT-2. AGU Fall Meeting, AGU.

Higuchi, A., and Coauthors, 2019: Long-term dataset of geostationary meteorological satellites can contribute climate change studies: Archiving status in CEReS, Chiba University, Japan, and its utilizations. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, AGU.

Okata, M., T. Nakajima, K. Suzuki, I. Toshiro, T. Y. Nakajima, and H. Okamoto, 2019: Quantitative evaluation of three-dimensional cloud radiative transfer effect using multi-satellite data. AGU Fall Meeting 2019, AGU.

Yoshida, M., and Coauthors, 2019: Common Retrieval of Atmospheric Aerosol Properties for geostationary and polar-orbital Satellite Imaging Sensors. 8th EarthCARE Workshop.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. M. Nagao, T. Suzuki, M. Hori, R. Higuchi, and M. Yoshida, 2019: Methodology of early phase validation for EarthCARE MSI cloud products, lessons learned from GCOM-C SGLI. 8th EarthCARE Workshop.

Yamamoto, Y., T. Funayama, K. Konda, H. Takenaka, K. T. Murata, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2019: Provision and visualization of solar radiation data for Energy Management System. The 17th International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering.

宇野史睦, 大関崇, 大竹秀明, 山田芳則, 竹中栄晶, and 中島孝, 2019: 盆地における気象庁MSM・LFMの日射量予測誤差の比. 日本気象学会秋季大会(福岡).

中島孝, 石田春磨, 永尾隆, 堀雅裕, and フスリート, 2019: しきさい衛星SGLI雲プロダクトの初期検証結果. 日本気象学会秋季大会(福岡), 日本気象学会, Ed., 日本気象学会.

Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2019: Cloud and aerosol products planned by JAXA/JMA earth observing missions. ISPRS-RSAE 2019, ISPRS.

Hagihara, Y., M. Kikuchi, H. Okamoto, T. Nishizawa, T. Y. Nakajima, T. Kubota, and R. Oki, 2019: Overview of JAXA A-train Products Towards EarthCARE Synergistic Research. 39th International Conference on Radar Meteorology.

Takamatsu, T., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2019: Spatiotemporal Asynchrony Quantification of Solar Irradiation using Cross-Sample Entropy Method. SICE Annual Conference 2019.

高松尚宏, and 中島孝, 2019: 衛星推定日射量に基づくPV等価回路パラメータのオンライン同定手法の検討. 日本太陽エネルギー学会.


Takamatsu, T., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2019: Study on the Asynchrony Quantificationfor the Solar irradiance. 2019 JST-NSF- RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems, JST.

Ohtake, H., F. Uno, T. Oozeki, Y. Yamada, H. Takenaka, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2019: Estimation of satellite-derived regional photovoltaic power generation using a satellite-estimated solar radiation data. 2019 JST-NSF- RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems, JST.

Nakajima, T. Y., and TEDDA Team, 2019: System developments for estimating and visualizing the solar irradiance and the energy demands. 2019 JST-NSF- RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems, JST, Ed.

Murata, K. T., H. Takenaka, Y. Yamaguchi, A. Higuchi, Y. Yamamoto, S. Yoshizawa, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2019: Development of platform for distributed coorerative energy management system (EMS). 2019 JST-NSF- RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems.

Damiani, A., H. Irie, H. Takenaka, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2019: Evaluation of Himawari-8 surface solar radiation by ground-based measurements. 2019 JST-NSF- RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems, JST, Ed., JST.

Letu, H., H. Ishimoto, T. M. Nagao, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2019: Estimating surface solar radiation with Voronoi ice scattering model from Advanced Himawari Imager. PIERS 2019.

Letu, H., T. Y. Nakajima, H. Ishimoto, R. Ma, and H. Shang, 2019: Estimation of surface solar radiation from Himawari-8/AHI satellite measurements. ELS-XVIII.

石原吉明, 大石優, 石田春磨, and 中島孝, 2019: 温室効果ガス観測技術衛星2号機搭載CAI-2による雲判別プロダクトの初期確認. JpGU.

松永恒雄, and Coauthors, 2019: The Status and the Future Plan of GOSAT-2 Level 2 and 4 Products. JpGU.

本多嘉明, 青木輝夫, 中島孝, and 虎谷充浩, 2019: 地球環境変動(地球温暖化を左右する全球の放射強制力や生態系変動)の監視・解明に関するミッション. JpGU.

大竹秀明, 宇野史睦, 大関崇, 山田芳則, 竹中栄晶, and 中島孝, 2019: ひまわり8号を活用した太陽光発電出力の推定. 日本気象学会春季大会, 日本気象学会.

中島孝, 石田春磨, 永尾隆, 堀雅裕, and フスリート, 2019: しきさい衛星SGLIセンサーを用いた雲解析アルゴリズムの開発と初期解析結果. TRIC研究開発報告会, TRIC, Ed., 情報技術センター.

宇野史睦, 大竹秀明, 大関崇, 山田芳則, 竹中栄晶, and 中島孝, 2019: 衛星推定日射量を用いた気象庁日射量予測の予測誤差と標高の関係. 電気学会全国大会.

佐々木崇宏, and Coauthors, 2019: 住宅電力負荷および太陽光発電出力のシミュレーション用広域データセットの開発. 電気学会.

中島孝, 永尾隆, 石田春磨, and フスリート, 2019: 衛星からの雲特性観測による雲成長ステージの把握. エアロゾル・雲・降水の相互作用に関する研究会.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Suzuki, S. Takagi, H. Ishida, N. Takashi M, and K. Suzuki, 2019: Development of the EarthCARE MSI cloud retrieval algorithms using resent scientific knowledge of the cloud droplet growth process. JAXA Joint PI workshop.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Okamoto, H. Letu, H. Ishida, H. Ishimoto, N. Takashi M, and J. Riedi, 2019: Global observations of cloud from GCOM-C SGLI for contributing climate change study and improving cloud science. JAXA Joint PI workshop.

Nakajima, T. Y., and TEEDDA members, 2019: Improvement of Terrestrial Science Data Availability and Development of the Energy Demand Models for an Energy Management System. JST-NSF-RNC Workshop.


 Takenaka, H., and Coauthors, 2018: Development of Active learning and NNN for satellite analysis. AGU Fall Meeting.

Letu, H., T. Y. Nakajima, T. M. Nagao, and H. Ishimoto, 2018: Ice cloud properties from Himawari8 and GCOM-C satellite. 2018 ISPRS Workshop on Remote Sensing and Synergic Analysis on Atmospheric Environment, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, ISPRS.

堀尾享司, 入江仁士, A. Damiani, 中島孝, 竹中栄晶, and P. Khatri, 2018: 静止気象衛星ひまわり8号に基づく全天日射量データの想定外誤差検知システムの構築. 日本気象学会秋季大会(仙台).

Kunimatsu, H., H. Takenaka, M. Hashimoto, T. Murata, J. Uchida, T. Oozeki, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2018: Application of the New Generation Geostationary Meteorological Satellite for the Solar Energy Engineering. AOMSUC-9.

宇野史睦, 大竹秀明, 大関崇, 山田芳則, 竹中栄晶, and 中島孝, 2018: 衛星推定日射量を用いた気象庁日射量予測の予測精度の地域性評価. 電気学会B部門大会, 電気学会.

Ohtake, H., F. Uno, T. Oozeki, Y. Yamada, H. Takenaka, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2018: A case study of photovoltaic power ramp and its future ramp possibility for Tokyo electric power area. IFAC CPES201.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. M. Nagao, H. Letu, H. Takenaka, and T. Suzuki, 2018: Atmospheric observations from satellites and their applications for revealing cloud evolution process and estimation of solar irradiance. CARE 2018, RADI, TRIC.

Letu, H., H. Ishimoto, T. M. Nagao, T. Y. Nakajima, and J. RIedi, 2018: Investigation of ice cloud properties from Himawari-8 satellite measurements. PIERS 2018.

Ohtake, H., F. Uno, T. Oozeki, Y. Yamada, H. Takenaka, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2018: PV power ramp analysis using satellite-derived solar radiation. Grand Renewable Energy (GRE) 2018, 再生可能エネルギー世界展示会, Ed.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Suzuki, T. M. Nagao, and H. Letu, 2018: Observing the cloud evolution process by using passive and active spaceborne sensors such as EarthCARE, A-Train, and Himawari-8. EarthCARE Science Workshop.

Nagao, T. M., H. Murakami, M. Kikuchi, M. Yoshida, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2018: Towards Consistent Water Cloud Optical Property Products from Geostationary and Polar Orbiting Satellite Data: Himawari-8/AHI and GCOM-C/SGLI. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting, AOGS, AS09-A02.

Letu, H., T. M. Nagao, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Ishimoto, J. Riedi, and H. Shang, 2018: Retrieval of Ice Cloud Properties from Himawari-8 Geostationary Satellite Measurement. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting, AOGS.

Letu, H., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2018: Influence of the aerosol under the cloud layer on calculation of the shortwave radiation flux in China from Himawari-8/AHI satellite measurement. JpGU 2018.

高松尚宏, and 中島孝, 2018: 気象情報からのPVパネルパラメータ推定法の検討. JpGU, JpGU.

Horio, T., H. Irie, A. Damiani, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Takenaka, P. Khatri, and T. Takamura, 2018: Ground-based pyranometer observations and their application through Himawari-8 validation toward EMS. JpGU.

Damiani, A., and Coauthors, 2018: Evaluation of AMATERASS surface solar radiation with ground-based observations in Japan. JpGU 2018, JpGU.

竹中栄晶, and Coauthors, 2018: 第三世代静止衛星群による太陽放射及び太陽光発電出力の準リアルタイム解析と短時間予測手法の開発 -AMATERASS GISによる太陽光発電出力の把握から人間活動に基づくエネルギー需要推定への新アプローチ-. JpGU

Hashimoto, G., and Coauthors, 2018: Introduction of RSTAR Model for Akatsuki Data Analysis. JpGU 2018, JpGU.

永尾隆, 村上浩, and 中島孝, 2018: SGLI模擬データを使った雲フラグの試作. 気象学会春季大会.

Takamatsu, T., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2018: Development of an Identification Method for Photovoltaic Cell Parameters using the Satellite Estimated Solar Irradiance. SICE 2018.

中島孝, 竹中栄晶, 中島映至, and 入江仁士, 2018: 大気物理をベースとした大気リモートセンシング及び再生可能エネルギー推定への展開. 東京理科大学 研究推進機構 総合研究院 大気科学研究部門 第2回 成果報告会.

高松尚宏, and 中島孝, 2018: 衛星推定日射量を用いた太陽電池セルのパラメータ同定手法の開発. 電気学会全国大会, 電気学会, Ed.

船山貴光, 今田一希, 竹中栄晶, 木村英樹, 福田紘大, 山本義郎, and 中島孝, 2018: WSC2017支援のための気象情報可視化・配信システムの構築. 情報処理学会 第80回全国大会.

樋口篤志, and Coauthors, 2018: ひまわり8号とフェーズドアレイ気象レーダ同時観測による2016年8月4日の房総半島で発生した積乱雲に関する事例解析. GSMaP研究集会2018.

Letu, H., H. Ishimoto, T. M. Nagao, T. Y. Nakajima, and J. Riedi, 2018: Retrieval of Ice Cloud Properties from HIMAWARI-8 satellite measurement by Voronoi Light Scattering Model. The 17th Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference, LIP 2018.

山本義郎, 船山貴光, 今田一希, 中島孝, 木村英樹, 福田紘大, and 竹中栄晶, 2018: ソーラーカー支援のための気象情報可視化・配信システムの改良. 東海大学情技術センター研究開発報告会, 情報技術センター.

中島孝, 長幸平, 山本義郎, 高松尚宏, and 竹中栄晶, 2018: 衛星観測と再生可能エネルギー. 東海大学情報技術センター研究開発報告会, 東海大学情報技術センター.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Suzuki, S. Takagi, H. Ishida, T. M. Nagao, and K. Suzuki, 2018: Development of the EarthCARE MSI cloud retrieval algorithms using resent scientific knowledge of the cloud droplet growth process. JAXA Joint PI Workshop.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Okamoto, H. Letu, H. Ishida, H. Ishimoto, T. M. Nagao, and J. Riedi, 2018: Global observations of cloud from GCOM-C SGLI for contributing climate change study and improving cloud science, Part III. JAXA Joint PI Workshop.


 Takenaka, H., and Coauthors, 2017: Nowcast and Short-Term Forecast of Solar Radiation for Photovoltaic power and Solar thermal using 3rd generation geostationary satellite. AGU FM 2017.

Okata, M., H. Okamoto, T. Y. Nakajima, T. Inoue, T. Nakajima, and K. Suzuki, 2017: Assessment of 3D cloud radiative transfer effects applied to collocated A-Train data. AGU Fall Meeting.

Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2017: Solar energy estimated from geostationary satellites and its application on the energy management system. AGU Fall Meeting 2017.

Nagao, T. M., H. Murakami, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2017: Estimating the vertical profile of droplet effective radius for water clouds from SWIR measurements of Himawari-8: Algorithm. AGU Fall Meeting 2017, AGU.

Yamamoto, Y., T. Funayama, K. Konda, H. Takenaka, H. Kimura, K. Fukuda, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2017: Data provision and visualization system for EMS using cloud. IASC, NZSA 2017.

Letu, H., T. M. Nagao, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Ishimoto, and J. Riedi, 2017: Retrieval of Ice Cloud Properties from HIMAWARI-8/AHI by Voronoi Light Scattering Model. PIERS conference 2017.

石田春磨, 丸山拓海, 大石優, and 中島孝, 2017: 気象衛星による雲種識別における自己符号化器を応用した波長選択. 日本気象学会秋季大会(札幌).

永尾隆, 村上浩, and 中島孝, 2017: 雲特性パラメータ間の統計的な相関を考慮したSGLI 763 nmチャンネルの雲幾何学的厚さ推定に関する情報量. 日本気象学会秋季大会(札幌).

樋口篤志, and Coauthors, 2017: 静止気象衛星群より導出された AMATERASS 日射情報の世界展開 – 地球環境情報プラットフォーム構築推進プログラム基幹アプリ FS による検討,今後の展開 -. 日本気象学会秋季大会(札幌).

山岸拓矢, and 中島孝, 2017: ひまわり8号を用いた黄砂濃度の変化による雲特性への影響評価. 日本気象学会秋季大会.

大竹秀明, 宇野史睦, 大関崇, 竹中栄晶, and 中島孝, 2017: 気象衛星ひまわり8号を活用した広域エリア太陽光発電量推定. 日本気象学会秋季大会(札幌).

中島孝, and Coauthors, 2017: AMATERASS日射情報の研究活用の状況と民間活用の仕組み. 日本気象学会秋季大会(札幌).

Damiani, A., and Coauthors, 2017: Comparison between Himawari-8 radiation and aerosol products and SKYNET observations in Japan. 日本気象学会秋季大会(札幌)

Letu, H., W. Li, H. Shang, T. Y. Nakajima, T. M. Nagao, and H. Chen, 2017: Influence of the aerosol under the cloud layer on calculation of the shortwave radiation flux in China from satellite data. ACRS 2017, ACRS, Ed.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Funayama, Y. Yamamoto, H. Takenaka, T. Nakajima, H. Irie, and A. Higuchi, 2017: GEOSTATIONARY SATELLITES REMOTE SENSING FOR THE ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. EUMETSAT 2017.

中島孝, 2017: 太陽放射コンソーシアムよりAMATERSS日射量データ提供. 東海大学産学連携フェア, 東海大学.

Yamagishi, T., H. Takenaka, T. M. Nagao, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2017: Evaluation of the influence on the cloud properties by the change of yellow sand concentration using “Himawari-8”. The 1st  Tokai-KMUTT Symposium, Tokai University.

Hori, M., and Coauthors, 2017: GCOM-C data validation plan for land, atmosphere, ocean, and cryosphere. 31th ISTS.

Takenaka, H., and Coauthors, 2017: Nowcast and short-term forecast of solar radiation and PV power using third generation geostationary satellite. JST-NSF-RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems, JST.

Nakajima, T. Y., and T. team, 2017: Improvement of Terrestrial Science Data Availability and Development of the Energy Demand Models for an Energy Management System (Part 2). 2017 JST-NSF-RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems.

Letu, H., T. Y. Nakajima, T. M. Nagao, and H. Ishimoto, 2017: Investigation of the Cloud Properties from HIMAWARI-8 Satellite Data. 2017 JST-NSF-RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems., JST.

Damiani, A., and Coauthors, 2017: Aerosol effects on Himawari-8 SW radiation at the SKYNET site of Chiba University. 2017 JST-NSF-RCN Workshop on Distributed Energy Management Systems, JST.

大方めぐみ, 中島孝, 岡本創, 井上豊志郎, 中島映至, and 鈴木健太郎, 2017: 衛星観測データを用いた3次元雲場の放射伝達効果に関する研究. 日本気象学会春季大会.

Okata, M., K. Suzuki, T. Inoue, H. Okamoto, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2017: Assessment of the 3D cloud radiative transfer effects using observed satellite data. JpGU 2017.

Nagao, T. M., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2017: Estimating Vertical Profile of Water-Cloud Droplet Effective Radius from SWIR Measurements of Himawari-8/AHI via Cloud Profile Statistics. JpGU/AGU 2017, JpGU.

Letu, H., T. M. Nagao, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Ishimoto, H. Shang, and L. Chen, 2017: The retrieval of ice-cloud properties from Himawari-8/AHI. JpGU/AGU 2017, JpGU.

Letu, H., T. M. Nagao, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Ishimoto, J. Riedi, H. Shang, and L. Chen, 2017: Retrieval of ice cloud properties from Himawari-8/AHI –Investigation of the DC cloud’s generation process. EGU 2017, EGU.

Khatri, P., and Coauthors, 2017: Cloud parameters from zenith transmittances measured by sky radiometer at surface: Method development and satellite product validation. EGU 2017.

中島孝, 2017: 人工衛星を用いた大気観測. 気象予報士会神奈川支部次回例会.(Invited)

Nakajima, T. Y., S. Takagi, H. Ishida, M. Nagao, and K. Suzuki, 2017: Development of the EarthCARE MSI cloud retrieval algorithms using resent scientific knowledge of the cloud droplet growth process. JAXA Joint Workshop in 2017.

Takenaka, H., and Coauthors, 2017: Nowcast and Short-term forecast of Solar radiation and PV power using 3rd generation geostationary satellite. 97th AMS Annual meeting, 13th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, AMS, Ed.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Okamoto, H. Letu, H. Ishida, H. Ishimoto, M. Nagao, and J. Riedi,2017: Global observations of cloud from GCOM-C SGLI for contributing climate change study and improving cloud science, Part II. JAXA Joint Workshop in 2017.

Irie, H., and Coauthors, 2017: Validation of GCOM-C atmosphere products by SKYNET. Joint PI Meeting of Global Environment Observation Mission, JAXA, Ed.

Nagao, T., M., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2017: An attempt to retrieval vertical profile of water-cloud droplet effective radius from SWIR satellite measurements: Simulation. JAXA Joint Workshop in 2017.


Oishi, Y., H. Ishida, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2016: The impact of the use of different satellite data as training data against GOSAT-2 CAI-2 L2 cloud discrimination. AGU.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2016: Cloud remote sensing and application for the renewable energy estimation. RADI Seminar.

大石優, 石田春磨, 工藤良介, 山岸拓矢, and 中島孝, 2016: サポートベクトル作成手順の違いによるGOSAT-2 CAI2 L2雲識別への影響評価. 日本リモートセンシング学会.

小野遼太, 中島孝, 竹中栄晶, and 竹下秀, 2016: 衛星日射量推定の検証におけるエアロゾル影響評価研究. 日本気象学会秋季大会.

永尾隆, 村上浩, 菊池麻紀, and 中島孝, 2016: ひまわり8号雲特性プロダクトの開発および水雲微物理特性の時間発展モニタリングの可能性検討. 日本気象学会秋季大会.

中島孝, and Coauthors, 2016: エネルギー・マネジメントにおける気象学と需要科学の協働. 日本気象学会秋季大会, 日本気象学会.

Funayama, T., T. Watanabe, H. Takenaka, T. Y. Nakajima, and Y. Yamamoto, 2016: Improvement of the methods of providing meteorological data for Energy Management System. 22nd International Conference on Computational Satistics (COMPSTAT 2016).

Letu, H., T. M. Nagao, H. Ishimoto, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Shang, and L. Chen, 2016: Investigation of ice cloud properties retrieved from MODIS and HIMAWARI-8 satellite measurements by Voronoi ice particle scattering model. AOGS 2016, AOGS.

Morino, I., and Coauthors, 2016: Towards TCCON in the Philippines: The importance of monitoring atmospheric carbon in tropical Southeast Asia. IWGGMS-12.

関口美保, 藤野翔太, 鈴木将人, 中島孝, and 永尾隆, 2016: 雲エアロゾル相互作用の港湾・海岸地域における特性について. 日本気象学会春季大会.

竹中栄晶, and Coauthors, 2016: ひまわり8号2.5分観測値を用いた日射量及び太陽光発電出力の準リアルタイム解析及び短時間予測手法の開発. 日本気象学会春季大会, 日本気象学会, Ed.

石田春磨, 大石優, and 中島孝, 2016: SVMを応用した雲判定アルゴリズムにおける誤判定修正及び特徴量選択方法の構築. 日本気象学会春季大会, 日本気象学会, Ed.

Nagao, T. M., T. Y. Nakajima, H. Letu, and H. Murakami, 2016: Investigating impact of subpixel horizontal inhomogeneity on retrieval of cloud microphysical parameters from multi-spectral imagers. JpGU.

Letu, H., T. M. Nagao, H. Ishimoto, T. Y. Nakajima, R. Jerome, H. Shang, and L. Chen, 2016: Retrieval of the ice cloud properties from MODIS and HIMAWARI-8 satellite measurements by Voronoi ice particle scattering model. JpGU.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2016: Improvement of Terrestrial Science Data Availability and Development of the Energy Demand Models for an Energy Management System. Joint Workshop in Heidelberg 2016, JST.


Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2016: Cloud Remote Sensing by Geostationary Satellite for Climate Study and Renewable Energy Estimation. IRS 2016.

Letu, H., and Coauthors, 2016: Comparing retrievals of ice cloud spherical albedo assuming various ice particle models for application to the GCOM-C satellite mission. IRS 2016.

船山貴光, 渡邊武志, 竹中栄晶, 木村英樹, 福田紘大, 山本義郎, and 中島孝, 2016: ソーラーカーレース支援のための気象情報可視化・配信システムの構築. 情報処理学会.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Okamoto, Y. Tanigaki, H. Ishida, H. Ishimoto, T. M. Nagao, and J. Riedi, 2016: Global observations of cloud area and properties from GCOM-C SGLI for improving climate change study and cloud science. JAXA Joint Workshop, GCOM-C session.

Nakajima, T. Y., S. Takagi, H. Ishida, T. M. Nagao, and K. Suzuki, 2016: Development of the EarthCARE MSI cloud retrieval algorithms using resent scientific knowledge of the cloud droplet growth process. JAXA Joint Workshop, EarthCARE session.


Watanabe, T., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2015: Evaluation of the variation in surface solar irradiance in Japan AGU 2015, GC51H-06

Takagi, S., T. M. Nagao, H. Ishida, L. Husi, M. Hashimoto, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2015: Development of EarthCARE/MSI ice and water cloud properties products. AGU Fall Meeting 2015, AGU Ed.

Oishi, Y., H. Ishida, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2015: Verification of new cloud discrimination algorithm using GOSAT TANSO-CAI in the Amazon. AGU Fall Meeting 2015, AGU, Ed.

Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2015: Satellite remote sensing and energy management. The 23rd CEReS International Symposium.

渡邊武志, and 中島孝, 2015: 地表面日射変動と雲の特徴との関係. 日本太陽エネルギー学会.

大石優, 石田春磨, 廣瀬卓哉, and 中島孝, 2015: 多変量解析手法を応用したGOSAT-2 CAI-2 雲識別アルゴリズムの改良状況. 日本リモートセンシング学会.

高木聖子, 永尾隆, 石田春磨, L. Husi, and 中島孝, 2015: EarthCARE/MSI 観測データを用いた水雲・氷雲特性解析アルゴリズム開発の現状と展望. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於:京都).

関口美保, 中島孝, 日暮明子, 太田芳文, and 中島映至, 2015: 狭帯域放射伝達モデルRstarと偏光放射伝達モデルPstarの統合と更新. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於:京都)

谷垣悠介, 胡斯勒図, 永尾隆, and 中島孝, 2015: GCOM-C1/SGLIセンサと非球形の雲粒の散乱を考慮した雲の放射伝達モデルおよび雲判別システムの現状と展望. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於:京都).

石田春磨, 森田啓太郎, 大石優, and 中島孝, 2015: 多変量解析手法を応用した多波長センサー用雲判定アルゴリズムの開発. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於:京都).

大石優, 中島孝, and 松永恒雄, 2015: 日本を通過するパスのMISR データを用いたGOSAT CAI-2 前方視・後方視雲識別の違いに関する検討. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於:京都), 日本気象学会.

中島孝, and Coauthors, 2015: エネルギー・マネジメントにおける気象学の役割. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於:京都), 日本気象学会.

谷垣悠介, 胡斯勒図, 永尾隆, and 中島孝, 2015: SGLIに関連する東海大学中島研究室の取り組みと進捗状況. GCOM-C ミニワークショップ.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Nakajima, H. Takenaka, H. Irie, and A. Higuchi, 2015: Potential of Himawari-8 for atmospheric observations. Japan-Australia Workshop on Non-Meteorological Applications from Geostationary Satellite Data, JAXA-CSIRO.

Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2015: Cloud Observation by Space-Borne Multi-Spectral Imagers. IGARSS 2015.

中島孝, 2015: 再生可能エネルギーの活用における地球科学情報の貢献. 第5回太陽光発電日射セミナー, 英弘精機株式会社, Ed., 英弘精機株式会社.

Takenaka, H., T. Nakajima, T. Y. Nakajima, T. Inoue, and M. Hashimoto, 2015: Quasi real-time analysis of Solar radiation using Geostationary Satellite HIMAWARI-8/AHI. IUGG, IUGG.

Nakajima, T., H. Takenaka, T. Y. Nakajima, E. Oikawa, and M. Hashimoto, 2015: Utility of surface radiation budget from EarthCARE and geostationary satellites. IUGG, IUGG.

大石優, 永尾隆, 石田春磨, 中島孝, and 松永恒雄, 2015: GOSAT-2 CAI-2 チルトによるFTS-2 観測視野内への雲混入対策に関する検討. 日本リモートセンシング学会第58回(平成27年度春季)学術講演会.

竹中栄晶, and Coauthors, 2015: 「ひまわり8号」観測データに基づく日射量の準リアルタイム解析と太陽熱利用への応用、及び太陽光発電出力のモニタリング. 日本気象学会春季大会.

永尾隆, 中島孝, 石田春磨, フスリート, and 村上浩, 2015: GCOM-C/SGLI雲プロダクトの紹介と雲特性リトリーバルにおける雲水平・鉛直不均質性の影響について. 日本気象学会春季大会.

樋口篤志, and Coauthors, 2015: 「ひまわり8 号」データの有効活用,静止衛星群を用いた全球展開に向けた研究開発環境構築. 日本気象学会春季大会.

村上浩, 堀雅弘, 宮崎理紗, 中島孝, 虎谷充浩, 青木輝夫, and 本多嘉明, 2015: JAXA気候変動観測衛星GCOM-C ミッションとプロダクト開発の計画. 日本気象学会春季大会.

Murakami, H., M. Hori, R. Miyazaki, T. Nakajima, M. Toratani, T. Aoki, and Y. Honda, 2015: PREPARATION STATUS OF GCOM-C SCIENCE MISSION. JpGU.

Miyazaki, R., and Coauthors, 2015: Validation Plan of GCOM-C/SGLI Standard Products. JpGU.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Masunaga, K. Imaoka, and T. Ushio, 2015: A New Satellite System for Observing Global Weather and Water from Geostationary
Orbit. JpGU.

中島孝, 2015: エネルギー管理に貢献する地球科学と地球観測衛星 . 地球観測の可能性と将来に関する国際シンポジウム, 文部科学省、東京大学、地球観測に関する政府間会合(GEO).

小川安奈, 武田朗子, 渡邊武志, and 中島孝, 2015: Lassoを用いた特徴量選択による を用いた特徴量選択による日射量予測モデルの構築. 電気学会全国大会.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Ishida, H. Okamoto, H. Letu, H. Ishimoto, and T. M. Nagao, 2015: Global observations of cloud area and properties from GCOM-C SGLI for improving climate change study and cloud science. JAXA Joint PI Workshop, GCOM-C Session, JAXA, Ed., JAXA

Nakajima, T. Y., S. Takagi, T. M. Nagao, H. Ishida, and K. Suzuki, 2015: Development of the EarthCARE MSI Cloud Algorithms in 2012-2014. JAXA Joint PI Workshop, EarthCARE Session, JAXA


渡邊武志、大森浩充、志田宇信、高松尚宏、中島孝, 2014: 日射量の急激な変動の特徴. 太陽エネルギー学会・一般社団法人日本風力エネルギー学会合同研究発表会

渡邊武志, 高松尚宏, 志田宇信, 大森浩充, and 中島孝, 2014: 再生可能エネルギーの大量導入時に考慮すべき気象変動. 第57回自動制御連合講演会

高木聖子, 永尾孝, 石田春磨, L. Husi, and 中島孝, 2014: EarthCARE/MSI観測データを用いた雲判別・雲物理量プロダクト開発の現状と展望. 日本気象学会秋季大会

渡邊武志, 高松尚宏, 志田宇信, 大森浩充, and 中島孝, 2014: サンプルエントロピーを用いた日射量の変動の評価. 日本気象学会秋季大会, 日本気象学会

所悠香, 岩渕弘信, 中島孝, and H. Letu, 2014: 内暈の発現と氷晶雲の微物理特性の関係. 日本気象学会秋季大会, 日本気象学会

宮崎理紗, 堀雅裕, 村上浩,中島孝, 2014: GCOM-C/SGLIプロダクトの校正検証計画概要. 日本気象学会秋季大会, 日本気象学会

渡邊武志, and 中島孝, 2014: 地上観測日射量データを用いた日射量変動の解析. 日本気象学会春季大会, 横浜

近藤歩, 関口美保, 亀高遼平, 中島孝, and 永尾隆, 2014: 衛星観測データを用いた雲量の導出とエアロゾルとの相互作用の評価. 日本気象学会春季大会

Nagao, M., H. Letu, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2014: Impact of Cloud Vertical and Horizontal Inhomogeneity on Multi-Spectral Retrieval of Liquid Water Cloud Properties: A Study for the GCOM-C/SGLI Cloud Product by Using A-Train and Landsat-8 Measurements. AGU, AGU

Kawano, S., Y. Fujimoto, S. Wakao, Y. Hayashi, H. Takenaka, H. Irie, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2014: A Basic Study of Distribution Automation for Service Restoration in a Distribution System with Distributed Generators. IRED 2014.

Kawano, S., Y. Fujimoto, H. Irie, H. Takenaka, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2014: Distribution Automation System for Service Restoration Involving Simultaneous Disconnection and Reconnection of Distributed Generators. PowerTech2015

Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2014: Importance of observing the cloud evolution process from satellites for studies of climate and energy. The Climate Symposium 2014

Nakajima, T. Y., S. Takagi, H. Ishida, T. M. Nagao, and K. Suzuki, 2014: Cloud observations from EarthCARE/MSI: Algorithm development and Sciences. EarthCARE Workshop in 2014

Letu, H., H. Ishimoto, T. Y. Nakajima, J. Riedi, P. Yang, B. Baum, T. M. Nagao, B. Yi and M. Sekiguchi, 2014: Determination of effective ice crystal habit for remote sensing of cirrus cloud using ADEOS/POLDER measurements. 13th CAS-TWAS-WMO Forum, International symposium on extreme weather and climate

Sekiguchi, M., A. Kondo, N. Takashi M, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2014: Seasonal Variability of Aerosol-Cloud Interaction estimated from long-term satellite analysis. AOGS 2014

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Takenaka, T. Nakajima, T. Takamura, T. Watanabe, and T. M. Nagao, 2014: Retrieval of cloud properties from satellite imagers and application for the renewable energy estimation. AOGS 2014 (Invited)

Nakajima, T. Y., T. M. Nagao, and H. Letu, 2014: Advanced cloud observation using next-generation satellite systems for surveying the cloud evolution process. AOGS 2014

Nagao, T. M., H. Letu, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2014: Retrieval of Cloud Parameters of Horizontal and Vertical Inhomogeneous Clouds Using Multi-Spectral Imagers. AOGS 2014

Letu, H., T. M. Nagao, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2014: A proposal for validation method of the satellite derived cloud mask data using all-sky camera data. AOGS 2014

Nakajima, T. Y., 2014: Synergistic use of the geostationary and the polar orbit satellites for surveying the cloud evolution process: plan JpGU 2014

Nagao, T. M., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2014: A new method for estimating bias in multi-spectral-retrieved cloud parameters caused by cloud horizontal inhomogeneity. JpGU 2014

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Takenaka, T. Nagao, H. Letu, and T. Watanabe, 2014: Cloud properties retrieved from passive imagers and application to the shortwave flux estimation, regarding renewable energy. CREW-4.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Ishida, H. Okamoto, and H. Letu, 2014: Global observations of cloud area and properties from GCOM-C SGLI for improving climate change study and cloud science. JAXA Joint Workshop.

Nagao, M., T. Y. Nakajima, H. Ishida, and K. Suzuki, 2014: An Evaluation of EarthCARE/MSI L2 Cloud Algorithm by Using Joint-Simulator. JAXA Joint Workshop.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Watanabe, T. Nakajima, T. Takamura, T. Team, and F. Team, 2014: Development of the Geo-scientific data analysis systems for harmonized utilization of the terrestrial renewable energy. JST/NSF/DFG EMS International Workshop.


Takenaka, H., T. Y. Nakajima, H. Kuze, T. Takamura, R. T. Pinker, and T. Nakajima, 2013: Quasi-real-time monitoring of SW radiation budget using geostationary satellite for Climate study and Renewable energy. AGU fall meeting, AGU. (invited)

Letu, H., T. Y. Nakajima, T. M. Nagao, H. Ishimoto, and M. Sekiguchi, 2013: Importance of light scattering properties of Cirrus cloud particles on calculating the earth energy cycle. AGU fall meeting.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Takenaka, T. Watanabe, T. Nakajima, T. Takamura, and T. Kurino, 2013: Renewable energy and the atmospheric sciences. AGU fall meeting, AGU.

Oishi, Y., and Coauthors, 2013: Examination about the impact of thin clouds in IFOV of GOSAT TANSO-FTS on estimates of XCO2 in the Amazon. AGU fall meeting, AGU.

松田晃明, and Coauthors, 2013: 気象衛星による霧検出手法改良のための低層雲特性の調査. 日本気象学会秋季大会, 日本気象学会.

中島孝, 永尾隆, 渡邊武志, フスリート, 石田春磨, and 松前義昭, 2013: EarthCARE 搭載MSI センサの雲解析アルゴリズム. 日本気象学会秋季大会, 日本気象学会.

Letu, H., T. Y. Nakajima, H. Ishimoto, T. M. Nagao, and Y. Matsumae, 2013: Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer in Cirrus Cloud: Toward to Develop Cloud Property Products of GCOM-C Satellite Mission. Sixth China-Korea-Japan Joint Conference on Meteorology.

Husi Letu, T. Y. N., Takashi M. Nagao, Hiroshi Ishimoto, Miho Sekiguchi, 2013: Evaluation of the ice crystals scattering database for GCOM-C/SGLI. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於:仙台), 日本気象学会.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Takenaka, T. Nakajima, T. Takamura, and T. Kurino, 2013: Estimation of the solar radiation at the ground surface using geostationary satellites and radiative transfer calculation: renewable energy and the satellite remote sensing. 2013 joint EUMETSAT/AMS Meteorological Conference, EUMETSAT.

中島孝, 竹中栄晶, 渡邉武志, 中島映至, 高村民雄, and TEEDDA研究チーム, 2013: 日射量推定における気象学・大気放射学の活用. 太陽光発電部会第5回セミナー「太陽光発電システムの発電出力把握・予測技術」, 日本太陽エネルギー学会.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2013: Estimation of solar irradiance from satellites. Seventeenth International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems(ISAP2013).

中島孝, and 永尾隆, 2013: A-Trainからの雲観測. 宇宙応用シンポジウム(GCOM-W特集), TKSC, つくば. (invited)

Nakajima, T. Y., T. M. Nagao, H. Letu, K. Suzuki, and H. Okamoto, 2013: Synergistic use of the spaceborne active sensors and the passive multi-spectral imagers for investigating cloud evolution process. International Symposium on Space Technology and Science.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2013: Estimation of solar irradiance from satellites – Study for weather driven renewable energy- ISAP 2013, I. 2013, Ed. (invited)

永尾隆, 中島孝, 石田春磨, and 鈴木健太郎, 2013: EarthCARE/MSI雲アルゴリズムの開発: 雲シミュレーションおよびアクティブセンサを用いたリトリーバルプロダクトの解釈. 地球惑星科学連合.

中島孝, 永尾隆, フスリート, 石田春磨, and 松前義昭, 2013: 将来型地球観測衛星を用いた雲の観測. 地球惑星科学連合.

Letu, H., T. M. Nagao, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2013: GCOMC衛星計画の気候長期観測と雲科学への期待. 地球惑星科学連合.

中島孝, 2013: 衛星データを利用した再生可能エネルギーの推定. 公開気象講演会, 社団法人 日本気象学会 教育と普及委員会およびメソ気象研究連絡会.

中島孝, 竹中栄晶, 石田春磨, 永尾隆, and フスリート, 2013: 受動型イメージャーから観る雲・エアロゾル・放射. 日本気象学会春季大会, 日本気象学会 (invited)

Nakajima, T. Y., 2013: Remote sensing of clouds from A-Train. Mini-Workshop on A-Train Science.JAXA. (invited)

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Nakajima, T. Takamura, H. Takenaka, T. Kurino, and T. member, 2013: Estimation of the terrestrical renewable energy using the atmospheric sicences. 第13回計測自動制御学会 制御部門大会, SICE, (invited)

中島孝, 2013: 衛星リモートセンシングとモデルの相互協力に関する提案. 超高解像モデルにおける、放射モデルに関するワークショップ.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Ishida, H. Okamoto, K. Suzuki, and H. Letu, 2013: SGLI cloud algorithm development and sicences, 2009-2012. Joint PI workshop of Global Environmental Observation Mission 2012, JAXA.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Ishida, T. M. Nagao, and K. Suzuki, 2013: Development of the EarthCARE MSI cloud retrieval algorithms, in 2012. Joint PI workshop of Global Environmental Observation Mission 2012, JAXA


Nakajima, T. Y., 2012: New research plan for the weather driven renewable energy study. Third Joint Project Meeting on “Interannual variations of upper tropospheric humidity (UTH) and radiation budget over the North Pacific High.

Sano, I., and Coauthors, 2012: Overview of DRAGON-Japan in 2012. AGU fall meeting.

Saito, S. S., M. Sekiguchi, T. M. Nagao, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2012: Global and regional effects of aerosol optical properties on warm water clouds: Long-term analysis of MODIS data. AGU fall meeting.

Nakajima, T. Y., K. Suzuki, and T. M. Nagao, 2012: Multi-sensor observations of warm water clouds for surveying vertical inhomogeneity and droplet growth in clouds. AGU fall meeting.(invited)

Takenaka, H., T. Y. Nakajima, T. Inoue, T. Takamura, R. T. Pinker, and N. Teruyuki, 2012: Estimation of SW radiation budget using geostationary satellites and quasi-real-time monitoring of PV power generation. AGU fall meeting.

Letu, H., T. Y. Nakajima, and T. M. Nagao, 2012: Characteristic of the ice crystal scattering database for GCOMC/SGLI satellite mission. AGU fall meeting.

Dim, J. R., H. Murakami, T. Y. Nakajima, and T. Takamura, 2012: Implementation of Future Climate Satellite Cloud Algorithms: Case of the GCOM-C/SGLI. AGU fall meeting.

竹中栄晶, 福田悟, 中島孝, 石田春磨, 日暮明子, and 中島映至, 2012: エアロゾルの間接効果に関する観測可能性. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 札幌), 日本気象学会.

中島孝, 土屋拓視, 石田春磨, 松井隆, 下田陽久, and 松前義昭, 2012: 可視赤外イメージャーの雲判別性能に関する基礎調査 (その2). 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 札幌), 日本気象学会.

Nagao, T. M., T. Y. Nakajima, H. Ishida, H. Okamoto, Y. Hagihara, and K. Suzuki, 2012: Advances in cloud screening and retrieval algorithm for multi-spectral imager on-board the EarthCARE satelite. SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing.

Letu, H., T. Y. Nakajima, and T. N. Matsui, 2012: Optimizing the ice crystals scattering database for GCOM-C/SGLI satellite mission (Ⅱ) 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 札幌), 日本気象学会.

Sato, Y., T. Y. Nakajima, and T. Nakajima, 2012: Investigation of the vertical structure of warm cloud microphysical properties using the cloud evolution diagram, CFODD, simulated by three-dimensional spectral bin microphysical model. IRS, Berlin, Germany.

Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2012: Investigation of the cloud evolution process using the 3rd generation satellite system: research plan    . IRS, Berlin, Germany.

Nagao, T. M., K. Suzuki, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2012: Interpretation of satellite-retrieved cloud droplet effective radii in terms of in-cloud vertical structure using a spectral-bin microphysical model. IRS, Berlin, Germany.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. N. Matsui, H. Ishida, K. Suzuki, H. Okamoto, and Y. Hagihara, 2012: On the EarthCARE MSI cloud Algorithms and plan of synergistic Use of MSI and Actives, for exploring Cloud Evolution Process CALIPSO, CloudSat, earthCARE joint workshop.

Matsui, T. N., K. Suzuki, and T.Y.Nakajima, 2012: Impact of In-Cloud Vertical Inhomogeneity on Multi-Wavelength-Retrieved Droplet Effective Radii of  Water Clouds . CALIPSO, CloudSat, earthCARE joint workshop, ESA.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2012: Toward cloud remote sensing in the next decade. Second Joint Project Meeting on “Interannual variations of upper tropospheric humidity (UTH) and radiation budget over the North Pacific High.

齊藤秀太郎, 関口美保, and 中島孝, 2012: 雲・エアロゾル相互作用における水蒸気量の影響̶-MODIS観測データの解析̶- 日本気象学会春季大会(於:つくば).

菅原広史, 中島孝, 松井隆, 胡斯勒図, 水澤雅之, and 成田健一, 2012: 東京都心部における熱収支観測 日本気象学会春季大会(於:つくば), 日本気象学会.

佐藤陽祐, 中島映至, and 中島孝, 2012: ビン法雲モデルを用いて検証する CFODD 上で見られる雲の成長過程. 日本気象学会春季大会(於:つくば), 日本気象学会.

竹中栄晶, 橋本翔平, 中島孝, 中西裕治, 高村民雄, and 中島映至, 2012: 衛星推定日射量に基づく太陽光発電電力の把握. 日本気象学会春季大会(於:つくば).

松井隆, 鈴木健太郎, and 中島孝, 2012: ビン法雲モデルによる水雲シミュレーションに基づいた衛星観測雲粒有効半径と鉛直不均質性の関係の解釈(その2). 日本気象学会春季大会(於 つくば), 日本気象学会.

増永浩彦, 中島孝, 今岡啓治, and 牛尾知雄, 2012: 静止軌道からの雲・降水観測の将来展望:静止衛星搭載マイクロ波センサへの期待. 地球惑星科学連合大会, 地球惑星科学連合.

竹中栄晶, 中島孝, 高村民雄, 中島映至, and 中西裕治, 2012: 衛星画像からの日射量推定技術. 日本学術振興会 学振175委員会.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2012: On the cloud evolution process appeared in the satellite remote sensing results 2nd Aerosol and Cloud Workshop on SGLI.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. N. Matsui, K. Suzuki, T. Nakajima, H. Shimoda, and Y. Matsumae, 2012: Recent study of cloud droplet growth process using satellite observation and modeling. American Meteorological Society (AMS), Annual Meeting, AMS. (invited)

Nakajima, T. Y., 2012: Development of the MSI algorithm and synergistic use of passive/active sensors for exploring cloud growth process. Joint Workshop of Global Environment Observation Mission 2011.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2012: Observation of cloud area and cloud properties from GCOM‐C SGLI by considering cloud in homogeneity. Joint Workshop of Global Environment Observation Mission 2011.


竹中栄晶, 中島孝, 高村民雄, 中島映至, and 中西裕治, 2011: 衛星画像からの日射量推定技術. 再生可能エネルギー世界フェア2011.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2011: Let’s watch aerosols and clouds from space. French-Japanese Workshop on the Scientific Utilization of Space-based Earth Observation Data, (invited)

Suzuki, K., G. L. Stephens, S. C. van den Heever, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2011: Diagnosis of the warm rain process in cloud-resolving models using joint CloudSat and MODIS observations. AGU annual meeting, AGU.

Matsui, T. N., K. Suzuki, T. Y. Nakajima, and Y. Matsumae, 2011: Interpretation of multi-wavelength-retrieved cloud droplet effective radii in terms of cloud vertical inhomogeneity based on water cloud simulations using a spectral-bin microphysics cloud model. AGU annual meeting.

齊藤秀太郎, 関口美保, and 中島孝, 2011: MODIS データを用いた雲・エアロゾル相互作用の評価. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 名古屋).

松井隆, 鈴木健太郎, and 中島孝, 2011: ビン法雲モデルによる水雲シミュレーションに基づいた 衛星観測雲粒有効半径と鉛直不均質性の関係の解釈. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 名古屋).

中島孝, 土屋拓視, 石田春磨, 松井隆, 下田陽久, and 松前義昭, 2011: 可視赤外イメージャーの雲判別性能に関する基礎調査(その1). 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 名古屋).

フスリート, 中島孝, and 関口美保, 2011: Ice crystals scattering database for GCOM-C/SGLI. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 名古屋).

Nakajima, T. Y., and Coauthors, 2011: Droplet growth process of clouds observed from satellites: Recent progress and future observation plan. WCRP Open Science Conference.

Matsui, T. N., K. Suzuki, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2011: Interpolation of multi-wavelength-retrieved cloud droplet effective radii in terms of cloud vertical inhomogeneity using a spectral-bin microphysics cloud model and the radiative transfer computation. IGARSS 2011 (Vancouver).

Sato, Y., T. Nakajima, K. Suzuki, J. B. Jensen, T. Y. Nakajima, and H. Takenaka, 2011: Validation of JMANHM+HUCM through comparisons  with satellite and aircraft observations in DYCOMS-II period. IUGG 2011.

Letu, H., and T. Y. Nakajima, 2011: Development of the ice crystal scatterng database for GCOM-C/SGLI. IGARSS 2011 (Vancouver).

Suzuki, K., T. N. Matsui, T. Y. Nakajima, and G. L. Stephens, 2011: An interpretation of satellite-observed warm cloud properties using a spectral-bin micorphysics cloud model. CloudSat/CALIPSO science team meeting.

竹中栄晶, 福田悟, 中島孝, 日暮明子, 関口美保, 高村民雄, and 中島映至, 2011: 第3世代「ひまわり」による放射収支の推定. 日本気象学会春季大会(東京).

中島孝, and Coauthors, 2011: 第3世代「ひまわり」による雲特性観測計画. 日本気象学会春季大会(東京).

関口美保, and Coauthors, 2011: ナローバンドモデルRstarへの非球形散乱過程の導入. 日本気象学会春季大会(東京).

佐藤陽祐, 中島映至, J. B. Jensen, 中島孝, and 竹中栄晶, 2011: 衛星観測および飛行機データを用いたJMANHM-HUCMのValidation. 日本気象学会春季大会(東京).

Letu, H., 中島孝, 松井隆, and 関口美保, 2011: GCOM-C/SGLIの氷雲粒子散乱データベースの作成について. 日本気象学会春季大会(東京).

Suzuki, K., G. L. Stephens, T. Y. Nakajima, T. Nakajima, M. Satoh, and S. C. v. d. Heever, 2011: Warm cloud microphysics and its interaction with aerosols: Cloud-resolving modeling and satellite observation. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

松井隆, 石田春磨, and 中島孝, 2011: 衛星搭載イメージャ用雲判別アルゴリズムの最適化に関する研究. 第18回リモートセンシングフォーラム, 計測自動制御学会 計測部門.

フスリート, 中島孝, and 松井隆, 2011: GCOM-C/SGLI のための氷粒子散乱データベースの作成. 第18回リモートセンシングフォーラム, 計測自動制御学会 計測部門.


Matsui, T. N., K. Suzuki, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2010: Interpretation of multi-wavelength-retrieved cloud droplet effective radii in terms of cloud vertical inhomogeneity using a spectral-bin microphysics cloud model and the radiative transfer. AGU 2010 Fall Meeting (San Francisco).

石田春磨, 中島孝, 菊地信行, 横田達也, and 渡辺宏, 2010: MODISとの比較によるGOSAT-CAI雲スクリーニング結果の検証. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 京都).

松井隆, 中島孝, and 石田春磨, 2010: 全天雲カメラ画像およびCloudsat・CALIPSOによる雲フラグを用いた光学センサ用雲判別アルゴリズムCLAUDIAの性能評価. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 京都), 日本気象学会.

Suzuki, K., G. L. Stephens, T. Y. Nakajima, and S. C. van den Heever, 2010: Multi-sensor analysis of warm cloud microphysical processes and its application to model evaluations. A-Train Symposium, NASA/JPL

Nakajima, T. Y., T. N. Matsui, K. Suzuki, G. L. Stephens, and T. Nakajima, 2010: Cloud particle growth process observed from A-Train. A-Train Symposium, NASA/JPL.

Letu, H., 松井隆, and 中島孝, 2010: 氷雲リモートセンシングに利用される非球形散乱データベースの構築. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 京都), 日本気象学会.

Nakajima, T. Y., K.Suzuki, G. L. Stephens, and T. Nakajima, 2010: Droplet growth in warm water clouds observed by synergistic use of MODIS and CloudSat. AMS 13th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation (Oregon, USA), JP1.9.

Nakajima, T., K. Suzuki, T. Y. Nakajima, M. Mukai, E. Oikawa, and D. Goto, 2010: A consideration on the relative strengths of aerosol direct and indirect forcings on the earth’s climate system. AMS 13th Conference on Cloud Physics (Oregon, USA).

Nakajima, T., S. Fukuda, N. Schutgens, N. Kikuchi, H. Takenaka, T. Y. Nakajima, and I. Sano, 2010: A use of 380nm channel of the GOSAT/CAI satellite imager to infer the aerosol loading over ocean and land areas. AMS 13th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation (Oregon, USA).

中島孝, 鈴木健太郎, and G. L. Stephens, 2010: 衛星搭載イメージャと雲レーダの複合的利用で示される雲の成長過程について. 日本気象学会春季大会(東京), 日本気象学会

石田春磨, 松井隆, 土屋拓視, and 中島孝, 2010: 衛星データ雲判定手法の開発と検証. 第17回リモートセンシングフォーラム(東京)

松井隆, 石田春磨, 土屋拓視, and 中島孝, 2010: EarthCARE/MSIによる雲プロダクトとその利用 第17回リモートセンシングフォーラム(東京).

土屋拓視, 石田春磨, 松井隆, and 中島孝, 2010: 衛星データにおける雲判別性能のバンド選択依存性 第17回リモートセンシングフォーラム(東京).

Taylor, T., and Coauthors, 2010: Preliminary Validation of Two GOSAT Cloud Screening EGU meeting Vienna.


Nakajima, T. Y., 2009: Strategy of aerosol and cloud observations in the next decade. The 15th CEReS International Symposium on Remote Sensing. (invited)

菊地信行, 渡辺宏, 石田春磨, 中島孝, 福田悟, 日暮明子, and 中島映至, 2009: GOSAT TANSO-CAIのL1データとL2大気プロダクト. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 福岡).

石田春磨, 土屋拓視, and 中島孝, 2009: GOSAT-CAI観測による雲マスクデータの検証. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 福岡).

土屋拓視, 石田春磨, and 中島孝, 2009: 光学衛星センサによる雲判別性能の統計的調査. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 福岡).

中島孝, 鈴木健太郎, and G. L. Stephens, 2009: 複数の異なる近赤外波長から推定される雲粒有効半径の違いについて. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 福岡).

Okuyama, A., and Coauthors, 2009: Geostationary Imager Visible Channel Recalibration. 2009 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference.

Dim, J. R., H. Murakami, T. Takamura, M. Hori, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2009: HOW ATMOSPHERIC INSTABILITY INFLUENCES MODELS RESULTS OF SATELLITE OBSERVED UPPER TROPOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR PROPERTIES. IGARSS 2009 (Cape Town, South Africa), FR2.O12: Remote Sensing of the Upper Atmosphere (July 12-17, 2009).


萩原雄一朗, 岡本創, and 中島孝, 2008: CloudSat/CALIPSO/MODISの複合利用による下層雲物理特性の全球解析. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 仙台), 日本気象学会.

萩原雄一朗, 岡本創, and 中島孝, 2008: CloudSat/CALIPSO/MODISの複合利用による下層雲の物理特性の研究. 日本気象学会春季大会(於 横浜).

荒巻紀子, and 中島孝, 2008: 雲とエアロゾルの混在状態の検出と雲特性解析への影響. 第15回リモートセンシングフォーラム(於 東京).

石田春磨, 土屋拓視, and 中島孝, 2008: GOSAT-CAIによる雲スクリーニング. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 仙台), 日本気象学会.

石田春磨, 土屋拓視, and 中島孝, 2008: 衛星観測における雲スクリーニングアルゴリズムの開発. 日本気象学会春季大会(於 横浜).

石田春磨, 中島孝, and 土屋拓視, 2008: 衛星観測における雲除去手法の開発. 第15回リモートセンシングフォーラム(於 東京).

石田春磨, 中島孝, 下田陽久, 鈴木靖, and 後藤あずみ, 2008: 気象衛星MTSAT-1Rによる霧検出手法の開発. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 仙台), 日本気象学会.

土屋拓視, 石田春磨, and 中島孝, 2008: 雲判別における光学センサの性能評価と搭載チャンネルの検討 日本気象学会春季大会(於 横浜).

中島孝, and 鈴木健太郎, 2008: 全球雲特性観測から得られる 雲成長過程に関する情報について(その2). 日本気象学会春季大会(於 横浜).

Okuyama, A., and Coauthors, 2008: Geostationary Imager Visible Recalibration. CEReS International Symposium / SKYNET workshop.


鳥海貢, 竹中栄晶, 高村民雄, 中島孝, 加藤正, and 長谷川壽一, 2007: シャドウバンドを用いて観測した光合成有効放射量(PAR)の時系列変化. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 札幌).

萩原雄一朗, 岡本創, 増子直樹, and 中島孝, 2007: CloudSat/CALIPSO衛星搭載雲レーダとライダによるMODIS水雲判別結果の検証. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 札幌).

萩原雄一朗, 岡本創, 中島孝, 熊谷博, 杉本伸夫, and 浅野正二, 2007: 衛星搭載イメージャとアクティブセンサによる水雲の雲物理特性の比較. 日本気象学会春季大会(於 代々木).

荒巻紀子, 中島孝, and 鳥海貢, 2007: 雲とエアロゾルの混合状態を考慮した雲特性解析計画. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 札幌).

竹中栄晶, and Coauthors, 2007: GMS-5/VISSRデータ再解析~放射収支の推定~. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 札幌).

竹中栄晶, and Coauthors,, 2007: 4大学連携VLにおける千葉大学の取り組み-静止気象衛星による放射収支の推定と大気放射プロダクトの作成-. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 札幌).

福田悟, and Coauthors, 2007: GMS-5/VISSRデータ再解析~エアロゾル光学特性の推定~. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 札幌).

石田春磨, and 中島孝, 2007: 地表面過程を分離したLook Up Talbe法による放射輝度計算. 日本気象学会春季大会(於 代々木).

奥山新, and Coauthors, 2007: GMS-5/VISSRデータ再解析~再校正技術の開発~. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 札幌).

中島孝, and 鈴木健太郎, 2007: 広域雲特性観測から得られる雲成長過程に関する情報について. 日本気象学会春季大会(於 代々木).

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Masunaga, K. Suzuki, and T. Nakajima, 2007: Cloud Observations from existing and future passive imagers. ACE Workshop, 17-18, October 2007 @ Tokyo.

Nakajima, T. Y., H. Masunaga, K. Suzuki, and T. Nakajima, 2007: Horizontal and vertical inhomogenity of the cloud microphysical properties retrieved from satellite-borne passive sensors. EarthCARE Workshop 7-9 May 2007 @ ESTEC/ESA.

Nakajima, T. Y., A. Higurashi, K. Suzuki, T. Takemura, and T. Nakajima, 2007: Cloud Observations from existing Global distribution and microphysical properties of clouds and aerosols observed by multi-spectral imagers  and future passive imagers. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2007 at Bangkok, Thai.

Ishida, H., and T.Y.Nakajima, 2007: A look-up table method with separating the ground surface process for simulation of satellite-measured radiances. 24th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Perugia, Italy, IAMAS.


中島孝, 日暮明子, and 中島映至, 2006: 衛星搭載イメージャによる雲・エアロゾル観測と能動型センサとの複合利用. 日本気象学会春季大会(於 筑波).

中島孝, 中島映至, 村上浩, 堀雅裕, and 山本浩万, 2006: 衛星搭載可視赤外センサーGLIによる地球観測. 電子情報通信学会総合大会(於 東京).

中島孝, 2006: GLI、そして次世代センサーへ. 観測・解析研究会(於 京都).

Nakajima, T. Y., K. Imaoka, H. Masunaga, Y. Muraji, and T. Nakajima, 2006: Vertical inhomogenity of cloud droplet size obtained by combined analysis of GLI and AMSR aboard ADEOS-II satellite. Asian Pacific Radiation Symposium 2006, at Kanazawa, Japan.

Nakajima, T., T. Takemura, A. Higurashi, T. Y. Nakajima, and K. Suzuki, 2006: Global and regional indirect effects of aerosols appeared in modeling and satellite remote sensing. AMS 12th Conference on Cloud Physics, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, J1.11, at Wisconsin, USA.

Nakajima, T., H. A, T.Y.Nakajima, T. Takemura, K.Suzuki, M. Mukai, and T. Iguchi, 2006: A comparison of satellite-retrieved and model-simulated sigunatures of arosol and cloud microphysics. SPIE, Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing Symposium, Remote sensing of the Atmosphere and Clouds, Si-Chee Tsay, Teruyuki Nakajima, Ramesh P. Singh, R. Sridharan, Editors, November 2006.

Suzuki, K., T. Nakajima, T. Y. Nakajima, H. Masunaga, T. Matsui, and A. P. Khain, 2006: Characteristics of water cloud optical property as simulated by a non-hydrostatic spectral microphysics cloud model. AMS 12th Conference on Cloud Physics, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation (Wisconsin, USA) J2.8.

Nakajima, T. Y., and K. Suzuki, 2006: Synoptic scale analyses of the cloud microphysical properties using MODIS 5-kilometers sub-sampling radiance dataset. AMS 12th Conference on Cloud Physics, 12th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation (Wisconsin, USA) JP1.4.


Nakajima, T. Y., T. Nakajima, and S.Katagiri, 2005: The characteristics of the cloud properties retrieved from Global Imager aboard the ADEOS-II (Midori-II) Earth observation satellite. CEReS International Symposium (Chiba Univ, Japan).

中島孝, 高村民雄, 竹中栄晶, and 菊地信行, 2005: MODISリサンプリング中解像度輝度データセットを用いた領域雲特性解析. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 神戸).

中島孝, 中島映至, and 日暮明子, 2005: ADEOS-II/GLIは大気の何を見てきたか. 日本リモートセンシング学会第38回学術講演会(於東京理科大).

中島孝, 2005: 衛星観測によって推定される雲特性分布について. 名古屋大学地球水循環研究センター研究会(於 名古屋).

Takenaka, T., J. R. Dim, T. Takamura, I. Okada, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2005: Possible effects to the radiation budget studies due to GMS-derived COD uncertainty. 2nd EarthCARE Workshop at Tokyo, Japan.

Nakajima, T. Y., and T. Nakajima, 2005: The retrievals of the warm cloud properties from GLI version 2 data. 2nd EarthCARE Workshop at Tokyo, Japan.

Nakajima, T. Y., A. Higurashi, T. Takamura, T. Takenaka, and T. Nakajima, 2005: Satellite-derived cloud properties over  Asian region. ABC-EAREX2005 Workshop, at Kyoto, Japan.

Iguchi, T., T. Nakajima, K. Saito, A. Khain, T. Takemura, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2005: A numerical simulation for the state of clouds with use of a non-hydrostatic cloud-resolving model. 2nd EarthCARE Workshop, at Tokyo, Japan.

Dim, J. R., T. Takamura, I. Okada, T. Y. Nakajima, and H. Takenaka, 2005: Validation and parametization of cloud radiation fields from satellite retrievals. The 9th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing (ISPMSRS).

Nakajima, T. Y., N. Kikuchi, T. Nakajima, T. T. A. Higurashi, and M. Kuji, 2005: GLI atmospheric science. IGARSS 2005 (Seou, Korea).

Takenaka, H., T.Takamura, I. Okada, T.Y.Nakajima, and J. R. Dim, 2005: Uncertainty in cloud optical thickness estimated by GMS-5S-VISSR algorithm,and its influence on the estimated radiative budget. CEReS International Symposium (Chiba Univ, Japan).


中島孝, 木村俊義, 伊坂春海, and 中島映至, 2004: ニューラルネットワークによる雲特性の推定. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於 福岡).

中島孝, 2004: GLIが観測した雲特性. 観測・解析研究会(於 苫小牧).

Suzuki, K., T. Nakajima, T. Iguchi, G. Asanuma, and T. Y. Nakajima, 2004: Numerical study of the aerosol effect on water cloud optical properties with nonhydrostatic spectral microphysics cloud model. The 6th International GAME Conference.

Nakajima, T. Y., T. N. T. Takemura, M. Sekiguchi, K. Suzuki, and O. members, 2004: The concept of the OpenCLASTR as a management system for numerical computing packages of radiative transfer and atmospheric sciences. IRS(International Radiation Symposium) (Busan).

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Nakajima, and S. Katagiri, 2004: The current status of the cloud remote sensing by Global Imager (GLI). IRS(International Radiation Symposium) (Busan).

Nakajima, T., A. Higurashi, T.Y.Nakajima, M. Sekiguchi, and T.Takemura, 2004: On an evaluation of the aerosol radiative forcing with use of satellite remote sensing, surface observation, and a climate model. IRS(International Radiation Symposium) (Busan).


中島孝, 村上浩, 堀雅裕, and 山本浩万, 2003: みどりII(ADEOS-II)搭載GLIの初期データ. 日本気象学会春季大会(於エポカル筑波).

中島孝, 中島映至, 内山明博, and 高村民雄, 2003: 宇宙から観測する雲特性. 日本気象学会春季大会(於エポカル筑波).

中島孝, and 中島映至, 2003: Midori-II搭載GLIが観測した雲特性. 日本リモートセンシング学会第35回学術講演会(於ハイブ長岡).

中島孝, 2003: Earth Views, the Global Imager. 6thAPEX-RIHN workshop(於 兵庫).

中島孝, 2003: 大気リモートセンシングと気候変動予測. 観測・解析研究会(於 総合地球環境学研究所).

Nakajima, T. Y., T. Takemura, I. Uno, H. Okamoto, and T. Nakajima, 2003: Cloud parameters obtained from satellite remote-sensing during APEX-E3. 6th APEX-RIHN workshop(於 兵庫).

Nakajima, T. Y., 2003: Cloud distributions and properties around Asian Pacific region derived from satellite remote sensing. Asian Pacific Radiation Symposium 2003(於Xian,China).

Hoeller, R., A. Higurashi, T. Nakajima, and T.Y.Nakajima, 2003: A method for satellite remote sensing of aerosols over land surfaces using GLI’s UV-channel. IUGG 2003 Clouds, Aerosols, Radiation and Climate Symposium(Sapporo, Japan).


中島孝, 村上浩, 堀雅裕, 中島映至, 青木輝夫, and 田中昭彦, 2002: 放射伝達計算を用いた疑似GLI観測データの作成(その2). 日本気象学会秋季大会(於北海道大学).

中島孝, 2002: ADEOS-IIの最新情報. 観測・解析研究会(於 総合地球環境学研究所).

Wang, H., T. Y. Nakajima, A. Higurashi, T. Nakajima, R. T. Pinker, and I. Laszlo, 2002: A Multi-Satellite Approach to Estimate Radiative Fluxes over the Oceans. AGU, May 28-June 1, 2002. (Washington, DC, ).

Nakajima, T. Y., A.Higurashi, and H.Masunaga, 2002: Comparison of cloud parameters between satellite measurements and airborne/ground measurements. 5th APEX workshop(於宮崎).

Nakajima, T. Y., T.Nakajima, Y.Mano, K.Yoshimori, and A.Kokhanovsky, 2002: Development of light scattering algorithms for non-spherical cloud particles: approximation and exact solutions. AMS 11th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation (Utah,USA).

Nakajima, T. Y., T.Nakajima, H.Masunaga, A.Higurashi, and Y.Liu, 2002: Cloud and aerosol retrievals from ADEOS2/GLI and other sensors. IGARSS 2002  (Toronto,Canada).

Nakajima, T. Y., and T.Nakajima, 2002: Multi-channel analyses of warm cloud droplet size for global scale. AMS 11th Conference on Cloud Physics  (Utah,USA).

Nakajima, T., and Coauthors, 2002: An overview of the Asian atmospheric particle environmental change studies (APEX). AMS 11th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation (Utah,USA).

Masunaga, H., T.Y.Nakajima, T.Nakajima, M.Kachi, and K.Suzuki, 2002: The physical properties of marine low clouds as retrieved by combined use of TRMM/VIRS and TMI. AMS 11th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation (Utah,USA).

Harshvardhan, G.Guo, R.Green, and T.Y.Nakajima, 2002: Remotely sensed microphysical and thermodynamic properties of non-uniform cloud fields. AMS 11th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation (Utah,USA).

Wang, H., T. Y. Nakajima, A. Higurashi, T. Nakajima, R. T. Pinker, and I. Laszlo, 2002: A Multi-Satellite Approach to Estimate Radiative Fluxes over the Oceans. AGU Spring Meeting.


中島孝, Y. Liu, 日暮明子, 増永浩彦, 中島映至, and 高村民雄.内山明博, 2001: ACE-Asia期間中の衛星による雲・エアロゾル観測. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於岐阜県民文化ホール).

中島孝, Y. Liu, 日暮明子, 中島映至, and 内山明博, 2001: MODISが観測したAPEX-E1期間中の雲・エアロゾル. 日本気象学会春季大会(於東京大学).

中島孝, 2001: Report from APEX satellite remote sensing group. 3rd APEX workshop (於札幌).

Masunaga, H., T.Y.Nakajima, M.Kachi, R.Oki, T.Nakajima, and S.Kuroda, 2001: Cloud Observation by Visible/Infrared Imager and Microwave Radiometer. CEReS International Symposium (於千葉大学).


中島孝, 中島映至, 真野裕三, and 吉森久, 2000: 非球形粒子の厳密解について(その2). 日本気象学会春季大会(於つくば国際会議場).


中島孝, 中島映至, 真野裕三, and 吉森久, 1999: 非球形粒子の厳密解の応用について. 日本気象学会秋季大会(於アクロス福岡).


中島孝, 中島映至, and 河本和明, 1998: ADEOS-II GLI用雲物理量解析アルゴリズムの開発手法. 第5回リモートセンシングフォーラム.

中島孝, and 中島映至, 1998: 放射伝達計算を用いた疑似GLI観測データの作成. 日本気象学会春季大会, P112.

中島孝, 1998: TRMM/VIRSを用いた雲微物理パラメータ解析. 日本気象学会秋季大会, A362.

Kokhanovsky, A. A., and T. Y. Nakajima, 1998: Phase functions of large transparent particles: the geometrical optics asymptotics. Conference on lelectromagnetic scattering(Bremen, Germany).

Saito, V., T.Y.Nakajima, and I.Inoue, 1998: ADEOS-II/GLI data information system. IGARSS 2000 (於Hawaii,USA).

Kokhanovsky, A., and T.Y.Nakajima, 1998: Phase functions of large transparent particles: the geometrical optics asymptotics. Conference on electromagnetic scattering (於NASA/GISS,USA).


中島孝, 中島映至, 内山明博, 河本和明, and 片桐秀一朗, 1997: ADEOS-II/GLIミッションにおける雲物理量解析. 日本気象学会春季大会, E302.

中島孝, 中島映至, and A. A. Kokhanovsky, 1997: 幾何光学近似を用いた非球形粒子の散乱. 日本気象学会春季大会, F122.


中島孝, and 中島映至, 1996: ADEOS-II搭載GLI赤外チャンネルに関する数値実験. 日本気象学会春季大会, B151.

Nakajima, T. Y., O.Uchino, T.Nagai, and T.Moriyama, 1996: Channel design of the ADEOS-II/GLI (Global Imager). IGARSS 1996 (於Nebraska,USA).


中島孝, 内野修, 永井智広, and 藤本敏文, 1995: 衛星搭載LIDARの感度シミュレーション. 日本気象学会春季大会, C302.


中島孝, and 中島映至, 1994: 気象衛星リモートセンシングを利用した雲微物理特性の広域解析. 日本気象学会春季大会, C20.

中島孝, 内野修, and 森山隆, 1994: 将来型衛星搭載Mieライダーの感度実験. リモートセンシングシンポジウム(於東京).


中島孝, and 中島映至, 1993: 雲物理量リトリーバルにおける変数削減のシミュレーション実験. 日本気象学会秋季大会, C204.

Others (Unrefereed Papers, Talks, etc)

中島孝, and Coauthors, 2016: エネルギーマネジメントシステムに貢献する地球科学と需要科学. 計測と制御, 55, 585-591.

中島孝, 竹中栄晶, 中島映至, 高村民雄, and 渡邊武志, 2013: 大気科学と太陽エネルギー. 太陽エネルギー学会誌, 39, 57-64.

Nakajima, T. Y., 2010: Observations of volcanic ash from space. European Parliament, Science and Technology Options Assesment (STOA), Brussels, Belgium.

鬼頭昭雄, and ほか, 2010: 地球温暖化観測における連携の促進を目指して-雲・エアロゾル・放射および温暖化影響評価に係わる観測-.

関口和彦, 中島孝, and F. ISKANDAR, 2010: 第 6 回アジアエアロゾル国際会議(6th AAC)報告. エアロゾル研究, 25.

Nakajima, T. Y., A. Higurashi, T. Nakajima, S. Fukuda, and S. Katagiri, 2009: Development of the cloud and aerosol retrieval algorithms for ADEOS-II/GLI mission. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 29, 60-69.

中島孝, 2008: エアロゾルの気候と大気環境への影響(第8章「衛星から見る雲」担当). 気象研究ノート(日本気象学会).

中島孝, 2006: 宇宙からの雲レーダー観測. パリティ(丸善)

Nakajima, T. Y., 2002: Possible applications derived from a passive imager. 1st EarthCARE workshop(於東京).

中島孝, 2002: 衛星リモートセンシングと気候予測〜雲とエアロゾルの相互作用を例として〜. NASDA New.

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中島孝, and 中島映至, 1993: CCSRにおける衛星データ利用の現状. 衛星からの大気観測データの利用に関するワークショップ(於筑波)

中島研究室 – Nakajima Laboratory – "Dialogue with Blue Planet"